Chapter 30

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I sit back down, trembling, wanting to burst out with anger, murder anyone and everyone who accepted the Black Sun. I strap myself back in as we head towards the base. Now we have no ships, a handful of men, and an invincible enemy. Any attempts to rebel are fruitless.

Flying back through the graveyard, I can't help but ask myself why I wasn't on my ship. I should be dead along with Cindy. We would die a happy couple. Die fighting for what we believe in.  But now, it's just me. Just me fighting. Fighting to avenge Cindy. Fighting to avenge my whole life, for what I still remember serving.

I stare at the floor, not moving a muscle. We fly by the DSTR, but they didn't fire a single shot. We rocket back towards Earth's surface, seeing as we have nowhere left to go. We have close to nothing. Earth has been fully conquered by the Black Sun, diminishing the spark that was our Emperor's reign. Now, we either rebel against Daniel or we accept defeat and carry out our lives like meandering zombies.

The rest of time seems to go in a blur. We enter in the atmosphere and land. I don't remember getting out of the shuttle, walking towards the base as the sea of saddened men split apart. Now, I lay in my quarters, looking at the ceiling, not a single thought crossing my mind. Is this a dream? I ask myself, knowing full well that it is reality. I feel all my strength draining out by the gallons, emptying all hope I once had.

The same scene replays in my mind; the red lasers turning into clouds of orange, lighting up a small part of space, reflecting off the black hull. The engines failing, the last spark of blue dying out. Hearing the alarm blare louder than ever before, calling to me, begging me to come back. Feeling a part of me get torn off with every shot that connected with the hull. Finally, listening to Cindy's last words as she becomes vaporized into dust, being lost amongst the debris.

A knock at the door snaps me out of my trance. "Come," I say, hearing footsteps get closer and closer. Standing beside me is the pilot to my shuttle.

"We're ready, sir," he says, bowing his head slightly.

"For what?" I ask.

"The memorial for your ship and her crew."

"Oh," I say. "I'll be ready in ten."

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