6. Where are you now?

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Regina glanced down at her watch as she rode along with Emma to find Gold. The town was a dark blur with speckles of light peeking through every so often. Regina pulled her eyes away from the scenery and with a loud sigh, she looked over at Emma.

"This won't work," Regina informed Emma.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't bring someone back from the dead. I know...from personal experience." Regina confessed with a gentler tone.

"This isn't the same; Neal isn't Daniel."

"No, but they are both dead. Don't go messing with things you don't understand."

"He is not dead! He was shot....he's hurt, but not dead." Emma yelled as she gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"So what if he isn't then. Is it really worth it? Is he worth it?" Regina asked.

To Regina, the answer was easy. Neal had abandoned Emma long ago. He left her pregnant and in jail serving what should have been his sentence. Regina would never for a moment consider saving someone like that.

"He's Henry's father." Emma answered evasively.

"Whom he doesn't even know. Henry is fine without him. He was fine without you, too."

"Right. Henry was miserable before I got here and you know it."

"The point still stands; Neal isn't needed in Henry's life." Regina repeated.

"Henry deserves to have his father in his life and believe it or not, he wants him here."

"When are you going to admit that this is more about you than Henry? You want Neal back because you love him. I have no idea why, but I know it's true so don't dare deny it."

Emma gulped. Her feelings for Neal were something she didn't openly discuss, especially not with Regina.

Regina knew by her silence that she was right. She smirked with satisfaction.

"Thought so," she remarked.

"Look Regina, it's not something I'd expect you to understand." Emma whispered.

"Because I'm evil and dead inside? I do have a heart you know." Regina snorted and crossed her arms.

"That's not what I meant. We're here anyways." Emma replied thankful that they had arrived and their conversation could come to an end.

"The Cannery? Why do you think he's here?" Regina asked feeling puzzled.

"I put a GPS on his car." Emma answered with a shrug.


"I need to keep taps on certain people in this town, being able to track them makes it a whole lot easier." Emma explained dryly.

Regina guarded Emma with suspicion as she wondered if her car too was marked. She made a mental note of having it inspected tomorrow as she followed Emma.

"This could be traumatic for me you know," Regina whispered sarcastically.

"I think you can handle it, Regina." Emma said with a small laugh. It was the first time since all of this happened that she laughed. It felt weird.

Emma led them to where Neal had been shot. She had a feeling they would find Rumple there. Sure enough, as she suspected, Rumple was standing there, cane in hand and looking down at the concrete with dried blood all around.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed.

Emma was taken back. Just how did he know they were here? Did he have some sort of weird third eye?

Finding You ( A sequel to A thief who stole her heart)Where stories live. Discover now