Dear Agatha

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Date: May 15th, 2015

Dear Agatha,

It's strange that I'm writing this to you since these letters will be pilled up in a box that labels 'to the ones I love' yet I don't love you, hell, I don't even like you. We are not friends, Agatha we simply co-exist.

Oh dear, Agatha, what happened to you? You were once so great and amazing, beyond life itself. You were perfect. I remember when we were in sixth grade; you made fun of me to the whole class. You made disgusting rumors about me that were untrue, you thought they were all on your side. I cried after I heard what happened; I cried in the car, in the bathroom and at night.

I have always questioned you. Why do they like you so much? Why are you so loved by people? Why? Because, truth be told, you were never kind. Your kindness always turned out to be some sort of mockery; you pity me. I remember one time, we were in the gym and you told me I was pretty. It felt reassured and that was the only time I felt Agatha Jones' effect on people.

Agatha, you are not as good as they think you are. Now as I am writing this in a small café, I think, I do not hate you yet I do not like you either. I have no emotions or feelings towards you.

We were never really close at all; we were only friends because we were in the same group of friends. I didn't like it; you were so controlling and demanding. You were all the boys' favorite and I never was, maybe a long time ago, I was jealous of you.

I feel sorry for you, Agatha, people expect the best from you. Yet you always need others to lower themselves. I remember one time, in English Lit and we needed to write a story. I was good but you wanted to be better, you still had to be the best. I disliked you for that.

How have you been, Agatha? It's been awhile since we talked and it's fine. We lose friends and gain them too. I gained a lot since you disappeared out of my life. I reached out, you know, yet you didn't reply.

I hope you realise that sometimes being the best isn't the best thing to do. I've learned that from experience and trust me; you don't want that to happen to you. Have a sweet life, Agatha Jones.

 See you never.

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