Dear Jackson

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Date: March 19th, 2015

Dear Jackson,

I never talk about you anymore, I mean, it has been two years since we talked and I don't miss you; but then I see something that reminds me of you and I have to acknowledge the fact that we stopped talking.

In my defense, I never wanted to stop talking to you. You know how I feel about you. I don't have feelings for you like I do for Dawson; Dawson is my best friend. We had closure. You and I, we didn't even have a good last conversation. You stopped replying.

At this point, I really should get use to people vanishing on me. That's really depressing. You know how I felt when you stopped answering? (I hate talking about this because it sounds so immature) I expected it, I knew that one day you'd eventually stop but you were so amazing and kind that it really hurt me. I was taken aback by it, the way you turned cold, the way you changed your mind about helping with English.

You know what the sad part is? I apologized because you were the one who broke my heart.

This will definitely sound weird but I imagine us being together, there's something calming about having no clue about the future. Jackson, you gave me so much hope and then you crashed it. You lied a lot, I don't know why but you do. I'm not stupid, you know.

I felt stupid. I knew you were lying a lot but I stayed because I thought 'he's not mine anyway'. But lying to people will never have any justice, does it?

Good luck with your girlfriend, Jackson. I miss you. 

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