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I was standing up against the wall in the waiting room of the hospital sitting with the rest of my family. Everybody was in attendance, Aunt Carol, Aunt Candace, Mom, Dad, Sam, Hakeem, Dre, and Lance.

Dad and Sam had given their blood and saliva for the DNA tests earlier, we were just waiting on the results. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Dad was pacing back and forth, while Mom sat there looking at everybody like she hated the world. I felt bad for her, what Dad and Aunt Carol did seventeen years ago was disgusting, and I knew she was still hurting from it.

Who would want their husband, and sister to fuck around behind their back? Nobody. Who would want to find out seventeen years later that they had a child together? Nobody.

I know I wouldn't be able to sit in here calm I would be flying off the handle cussing everybody out, but I guess Cookie was waiting on the results before she did all that. This reminded me of a scene on Maury, I was just waiting to see if see who was going to take off running when they found out the truth.

Samantha was sitting next to Hakeem with her legs crossed scrolling through her phone, while Hakeem had his headphones on listening to music.

Dre was sitting with his arms folded and his legs crossed looking at everybody and Lance was in his phone as well.

Aunt Candace was sipping on her water, and Aunt Carol looked like she was praying, she had a worried look on her face. I bet She didn't have that look on her face when Dad was laying that pipe in her.

Just then the nurse who was assisting us early came back with her clip board, and everybody stood up.

"Luscious Lyon, Samantha Lyon, Carol Holloway," She called.

"Uh yeah?" Dad said as he stepped forward. Samantha stepped forward looking from Luscious back to the nurse.

Aunt Carol stepped up right beside Samantha holding her hand.

"Luscious Lyon in the matter of seventeen year old Samantha Loretha Lyon, you are 99. 9 % her biological father,"

"I knew you were my daughter!" Luscious said as she gave Samantha a hug.

"Where the hell is the other one percent?" Cookie asked.

Everybody turned and gave her the side eye.

"What?!" She yelled as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Carol Holloway, in the matter of Samantha Loretha Lyon you are 100 % her biological mother," she replied as she gave Aunt Carol and Dad a copy of the results.

"Nooooooooo!" Hakeem laughed as he ran off fast like the women on Maury. He came back laughing.

Everybody fell out laughing even the nurse.

"Welcome to the fam sis," Andre replied as he gave Sam a hug.

"Thanks bro," she replied.

"Awwww so sappy," Hakeem laughed.

"Shut up Hakeem," we all laughed as me, Dre, and Sam, attacked him in a hug.

"All my seeds," Dad smiled.

We all looked up and gave him the side eye.

"Don't give me that look, y'all ain't too grown for me to peel your butts," he said as we all laughed.

"Sam, come on I wanna show you something," Dad smiled as he grabbed her hand.

Me, Hakeem, and Dre followed behind them with Mom, Aunt, Carol, Aunt Candace, and Lance in tow.

We all made it outside and there was a car under white wrapping with a red bow on top.

"Dre," Dad said.

Dre smiled as he went to one end of the car and Dad went to the other. We watched as they counted to seventeen and then they pulled the wrapping off the car and revealed an all black Lamborghini. Damn he never gave me a Lamborghini.

Samantha -

"OMG! D-Dad is t-this mine?!" I yelled as I jumped up and down.

"Of course sweetheart, she's all yours in your name, I was going to give it to you on your birthday but finding out you were my daughter beats any birthday gift," he smiled.

"Daddy thank you!" I squealed as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He held onto me and kissed my cheek.

"Come on let's take it for a spin!" He yelled.

"Aye I call shot gun old man!" Hakeem yelled as him and dad raced each other for the passenger seat.

"Yo I'm coming too!" Dre yelled. "Hold up I know y'all gone make room for me!" Mom yelled as she ran and got in the car.

I happily got in and sped off with no cares in the world.

Cookie -

"Jamal you coming over?" I asked as I put my shades on watching Samantha drive off in the new car Luscious had bought her.

"Naa, I gotta meet Skye for our date, I'll see y'all later," he replied as he walked off.

"Alright," I replied.

"Well glad that was nice, back to more important things, see you later Laretha," Candace said as she put on her shades and started walking off.

"Mmmm,," I replied.

"So I guess it's just me and you beautiful," Lance said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What are you trying to get into?" I smirked.

"I'm not getting into anything, but I wouldn't mind being in between you," he smirked as he kissed my neck.

I giggled slightly as I pecked his lips. "I think we can make that happen,"

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