A new morning (Preview)

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Silence ruled the house. No noise could be heard, everything laid silent. Neither the whir of an electronic device, nor the crack of the furnishings broke the hush. The quiet created a lonely, oppressive and kind of scary atmosphere. Bleakness sat in every clearance, filling up the rooms, but still leaving them empty.

Suddenly upstairs echoed the silent squeaking of a door, followed by shuffling steps, making their way to the stairs. The stages creaked in protest under the weight of the young man. It resounded in the whole house and finally broke the calmness. Tiredly the guy pushed up his glasses and rubbed his sapphire eyes. A bit annoyed he pushed his golden, wavy hair behind his ear and tried to smooth it down. Expect for his usual rebellious curl it worked. A deep sight escaped his lips, when his naked feet reached the cold, wooden floor. He turned to the right and walked through the floor in the direction of the kitchen. As he went pass the mirror, he stopped for a few seconds. After fixing his red-white pyjama, with the maple leaf on it, he entered the kitchen. Sleepily he opened the shutters and looked outside at the snowy scenery. Everything was hidden under a thick snow layer. It sparkled in the shine of the rising sun. A beautiful sight, but also lonely. The alarm of his watch reminded him of taking his pills. Quickly he turned it off and took a small box from the cupboard beside him. Before he took one of them, he waited and let his imagination take control.

Suddenly the kitchen was bathed in warm, comfortable light. The scent of sweet pancakes and fresh coffee hung in the air. But the best was an angel like voice, humming a happy tune. Slowly Matthew turned his head to the stove and there she stood. Her copper-brown hair fell straight over her shoulders; it was a bit messy. She wore one of his shirts, which was definitely too large for her small, daintily figure, it already reached her thighs. Cutely your hair waved back and forth, while you were flipping the pancakes. For a few seconds the Canadian boy just stood there and stared at you. But then he couldn't resist and made a step forward. All he wanted was wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, like usually and then pulling her close, while whispering "Bon matin ma chérie." And so did he. Unfortunately, the memory disappeared, when he tried to touch his beloved maple-leaf, his arms stayed empty and cold. Suddenly his sight got blurry, he could feel warm tears streaming down his cheeks. Quickly he hid his face behind his hands and started to sob hardly. Why did she have to leave him here? This was so unfair. All he wanted was getting his maple back. He'd do everything for getting her back... But the death is a person, who didn't make deals. His body was shook by sobs, while he leant against the fridge and slowly slide down to the ground. Softly his nails dug into his soft skin, when he tried to force himself to calm down. Millions of thoughts crossed his mind, every of them was painful. There were memories, questions, rage, sadness... Everything missed together to a painful, breath taking tangle. Only one thing was clear and that was her name... Once her name had been so wonderful for him, everything about it, now it only hurt him... "Victoria..." he whispered between two sobs. After minutes of crying, he lifted his face from his knees and stared at the white kitchen wall. His eyes hurt from crying, his breath was panting and he felt cold. But the worst feeling was the emptiness inside of him, which had replaced the hurt in his chest. Frustrated he started at the white, small pill in his hand. With shaking legs, he stood up and took a glass of water, he swallowed the medicine with it. It would take a bit of time, till the effect would show up. But the antidepressant was important for him, not losing his mind. Of course he had tried to talk with the others, but they didn't see him. A bitter smile appeared on his face for a second... Seeing him... She always had been the only one, who had noticed him, with all his good and bad sides. Nevertheless, she had loved him more than everything else in this world. And so did he.

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