Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

I awoke by the sun shining in my face I stood up still in my wolf form and stretched my bones cracking from sleeping on the forest floor.

I started walking like I have been doing for the past 8 years now. I saw a river and ran towards my throat dry from barely drinking anything yesterday. I was to busy running away from rouges who wanted to eat me.

Over the years I noticed that there are a lot more rouges. Which sucks; especially for me.

All of a sudden I heard a snap and a growl I turned around to see three brown wolves with red eyes. Rouges! I'm to weak to fight since I haven't eaten breakfast this morning or dinner last night.

So I just started sprinting away and hearing there paws hitting the ground behind me which means they are pretty
close to me. My wolf is pretty small so I'm a very fast runner I am also very good at fighting because my father used to train a lot but I don't know why, he never told me the reason.

My legs started hurting I looked back to see how close they were and they were catching up; still a safe distance away.

I didn't see where I was going and tripped over a rock and started tumbling over. I finally stopped and tried to stand up but pain shoot up my ankle hurt causing me to groan.

I think I sprained it I looked over preparing myself to get killed by the rouges but I was suprised to see they wouldn't pass this big tree. That's wierd its like there is some kind of barrier. It doesn't matter at least I'm still alive for now.

I glared and growled at them before I started limping away I found this really pretty lake and layed down.

Everything was hurting I don't know how much longer I can do this I sighed.

I heard a growl oh great not again now for sure I was gonna die I thought.

I slowly turned around to see two gray wolves, I sniffed the air and they don't smell like rouges that means there from a pack. I inwardly sigh in relief.

Wait a second, Oh no I stumbled into a pack! The Alpha for sure might kill me.

I just whimpered and scooted away. The looks on there faces softened and they shifted putting on some boxers. For wolves its normal to see people naked it doesn't bother anyone since there used to it when they shift.

I saw there eyes glaze over I'm pretty sure there mindlinking someone.

"One of the Alpha's will be coming shortly" the one on the right said. My eyes widened and I felt myself go pale I whimpered shaking my head.

The guy on the left said "don't worry he is just going to clean you up and ask some questions".

I nodded "do you want to shift"? I turned my head side from side as in no because I don't have clothes.

I saw a shirt in his hands that he was going to put on but I slowly stood on my four paws and grabbed the shirt with my teeth.

They both looked confused I motioned them with my paw to turn around and they did.

I shifted and quickly put on his shirt and said "Ok I'm done".

They turned around and looked surprised "oh sorry we didn't realize you were a girl there are barely any girl rouges plus I can feel power coming from you" the guy on the left said.

I just nodded indicating it was fine I don't feel like talking since my throat feels scratchy.

The guys eyes became glazed over again and they said that One of the Alpha's are coming. I wonder if the Alpha's are twins?

I shakly stood up and waited all of a sudden I smelt this wonderful manly woodsy honey smell I looked over to where the smell is coming from to see a handsome man only wearing basketball shorts the alpha.

He looked over at me then started checking me out his eyes darkened and he growled "MATE"!

He walked over to me and reached out to grab me but I whimpered and backed away landing on my butt and let me tell you it hurt I groaned.

He looked hurt then angry he reached out and picked me up carrying me bridal style as sparks shot up everywhere that he touched me.

I got to get out of here I thought. Before my dad died he told me that I have to stay away from men because they will try to hurt or use me. I have to wait for the right moment.

I saw a building and people around it they were all looking curiously at me. He walked me into a room and layed me on a bed.

I looked around and saw it was all white I think this is a hospital. Wow I haven't been in one in so long I thought.

This older guy walked in "hi my name is Dr.Blake I'm just going to make sure everything is ok with you" he said.

I panicked and started rapidly shaking my head and moving away thinking of how I'm going to outrun him.

The alpha realized this and jumped on top of me straddling me I started screaming, punching, and kicking.

I felt a prick in my arm and saw the doctor pull away with a needle in his hand. I whimpered suddenly I felt very weak and sleepy. I was trying my best to stay awake but I slowly lost and fell asleep.

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