Chapter 9

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Bella's POV

I groan when I feel someone shaking me. "Leave me alone" I grumble but they keep shaking me.

"Are you blind or something can't you see I'm sleeping!" I say grumply turning up to glare at the culprit who was Drake.

He didn't look happy that I said that to him but didn't say anything about it. Good because I'm not a morning person!

"Get up kitten were going to the council meeting with the elders and were leving in a hour" he said picking me up out of bed.

"Do we have to?" I ask sweetly giving him my best smile. He rolls his eyes while nodding his head.

I groan and glare at him "no" i say firmly. His eyebrows raise as if daring me to say no again. Like I said not a morning person, plus the whole Sir Ginger and the creepy light thing got me tired.

"Kitten if your not dressed by the time I get back I'll just dress you myself" he warned leaving the room.

"Oh moon goddes why do you do this to me" I groaned flopping onto the bed.

I better get ready but the bed is so comfortable, maybe just a couple minutes.


I jump when I hear two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. That's werewolf hearing for you.

Oh crap I fell asleep. I grab my hair pulling at it. I'm in so much trouble. That's what you get when your a procrastinator.


I won't be in trouble if they can't get me.

With that in mind I sprinted behind the door and waited for the door to open.

The door opened and my mate's walked in expecting to see there mate dressed and ready. They thought!

That's what you get for waking me up in the morning.

Once they were deep enough in the room I sprinted down the stairs and out the door heading towards the woods again.

My plan is to lose them in the woods and the go find a icecream shop or something. Dang it I don't have money. I'll just have to use my charm.


Ha you guys thought I was gonna seduce the person. Pshhh. Probably could do that to but stealing is more fun.

When I look behind me Dylan nor Drake are there. With a happy smile I head to town which isn't that far from the house since it's part of the pack.

I step out of the woods and into the town it's not a big town just enough houses to fit the whole pack and stores.

I stop in my tracks and look down. Damn it. Just my freaking luck.

I totally forgot I was wearing one of my mate's shirt with nothing but underwear underneath. Also I have no shoes.

I huff annoyed. Well my mission was to steal icecream and I never abort a mission.

I stay in the shadows out of view of any passerby's. I feel like a ninja. What am I talking about. I'm am a ninja!

I finally spot an icecream store. Ok how am I going to distract the guy so I can get some icecream.

I step inside the bell above the door rings indicating someone entered. Which was not neccesary!

I head to the counter. People who spotted me giving me wierd looks because of my attire.

I see the waiter head to the back probably to restock. This is my chance. Before I even get to step around the counter the guy is back.

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