Time For The Truth

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Alan's P.O.V

Today was the day that I would tell Belle everything. I was still so unsure about it though. Maybe having somebody know about it,somebody to talk to whenever I needed to talk will help.

I walked into Belle's room were she was laying on her bed, probably scrolling through her twitter. She hadn't noticed me walk in. "Belle?" She jumped a little as my voice bounced of the apartment walls. "Shit Alan! You scared me!" She picked up the pillow next to her and threw it at me playfully but I was to nervous to be in any sort of playful mood. I guess she noticed that, because her face turned concerned and she asked me what was wrong, so I sat down and told her everything.

Annabelle's P.O.V

I listened to him as he told me everything. Everything about how he's known about his sexuality since grade school but didn't tell anyone because he was afraid of being rejected by everyone and made fun of. About his feelings for Austin, and his confusion. By the time he was finished tears were pouring down his cheeks like waterfalls, so I held him. What are best friends for right? "Thank you Alan" I whispered. He wriggled out of my embrace and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "Why are you thanking me Belle?" his voice still shaky from crying. "For trusting me." was all I said. I was really glad that he told me, because know I could help him with whatever he needed. I'm not sure if he'll ever tell Austin about his feelings for him, but I hope he does, because I feel like they could be something.

Austin's P.O.V

I hadn't heard from Alan in a few days. Actually, ever since we hung out last. No tweets, texts, calls. Nothing. Alan confused me, a lot to be honest. Part of me would sometimes think that, maybe me and him could be something more? I mean, I know I'm straight but Alan has always been so....I'm not sure. Attractive? Nice? "My type"? I can't really explain it. Part of me knows Alan is my best friend but there's still that little voice that just keeps dreaming for more.


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