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I felt my back up against the wall. I took a deep breath then smelt the air. Sweet but there was Cologne. A hand across my shoulder so bare. I lifted my head and smiled at the feeling. The soft flesh across my neck.
"Just breath." A husky voice spoke. Hands took their toll down. He picked me up and spun me around. I felt cushions surround me. I grabbed the sheets and covered us. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. I put my arms around him then noticed.
"Hey baby." He lowered his face and his soft lips rested on mine.
"Chanyeol." His body so toned and warm. I pulled him closer as he nibbled on my skin. A wimper escaped my lips.
"Shh I'll be gentle." He winked. The nerves began running through my body but I wanted him. The pressure began to build up in my hips.
"Chanyeol." I whispered.
"Ugh." He groaned. The room was getting hotter. Sweat was on it's way.
I sat up and looked around. I was in the living room on the couch, surrounded by Exo and Seventeen sleeping on the floor. Chanyeol was in the corner sweating. I rubbed the back of my neck and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and my keys.
" Emerald." The same husky voice spoke.
"Damn." I walked out the house like I didn't hear. I closed the door behind me and quickly walked away.
"Emerald." Again I heard. I finaly came to a halt as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Chanyeol standing in front of me. I stared into his eyes without a word.
"Ugh hehe well um." He was speechless and nervous. He started to blush and rub the back of his neck. I turned around and stared at the floor. "Are you okay?" He asked
I sighed and walked.
"Emm.. emerald." Chanyeol said.
"Chan I don't know! I don't know." I turned around at him and my eyes began to water. Everything with Woozi has been great. Little did I know how hard it could be. He had a little shocked look on his face one for a apology. I turned around as I felt fluid drip down my face. Slowly I felt hands wrap around my stomach and a head lay on my shoulder. I placed my head in my hands to cover up from my sudden embarrassment.
"Princess I'm here for you. Use my shoulder to cry,my sleeves to wipe your tears. Please don't cry. ~BABY DON'T CRY TONIGHT~." he began singing.
"Chan why is dating a celebrity so hard. Why did I even think it could work. Chincha! I'm so stupid." I explained. "Your not stupid we all have a feeling that sometimes we can't control correct." He said.
"Chan I've had feelings for others as Ive been dating Woozi. I love Woozi but I'm attracted to so many others. I'm a female player." I degraded my self.
" Don't say that. I can help you with Woozi." Chanyeol explained.
I looked up at Chan.
"What do I do if I just want to give up?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I don't want Woozi anymore.. I need time to my self." I looked down. Chanyeol didnt say anything.
"I'm a horrible person why do I even." I pushed my self off of Chan and began running. I ruin everyone's life. I texted Arabella..
"Meet me at the coffee shop at 3:00pm."
Then I texted Dino..
"Meet me at the coffee shop at 3:00pm."
There just might be one thing I can fix. Whats the point I might just end here. After running into the park under some trees I sat down under a tree. I pulled out my keys and opened my blade. I felt a sharp pain in my side but I didn't do it.
"Ah!" I screamed as the pain suddenly got stronger. I felt dizzy and everything went black...
Chanyeol pov -
"Emerald! Ayo chincha? Where did you go?" I was seriously beginning to get worried. We were just next to each other and then she disappeared. I'm sure seventeen is already awake and noticing us not there.
"Was this my fault?" I asked
I felt like I was running in circles when finally I felt a difference. I was walking down a path when I seen some people around a tree. I was walking past until.
"Emerald please. Jimin help me." I turned around to see the guys pick up a girl. When I looked closer it was Emerald limp, nearly lifeless laying in his arms. When I saw who the guys were it was BTS Jimin and Jungkook.
"Emerald.. what happened?!?" I yelled.
"Chanyeol?" He questioned.
"Yes it's me Jungkook! What happened to her is she breathing?" I asked.
"A little I think she's loosing her breathing by the second. We have to go." Jimin demanded.
"Hyung we have to get her to a hospital." Jungkook had tears streaming down his rosey cheeks.
"Yah don't cry she will be fine but no we can't take her Woozi would kill me. Lets take her to your place I'll call Lay." I explained.
We all got in the car and Emerald was laying on me in the back.
"Could I say im sorry. I don't know what I did. You shouldn't go through this." I told her.
"Chanyeol what are you doing out here? Especially with Woozis girlfriend. Your not being another Vernon are you?" Jungkook asked.
"NO! I mean no why would I do something like that. Thats so rude." I defended my self.
"Alright." Jungkook replied.
"But out of anything how do you guys know her? Why is she so important to you guys? Has she even met you guys?" I asked noticing something was weird. Why was Jungkook crying when he saw her? Why do they Care so much about what I'm doing with her? I don't ever remember her saying she met BTS.
"Um ugh.." Jimin didn't know what to say.
"We're here." Jungkook shouted then jumped out the car. I opened the door then layed Emerald in my arms. I followed the boys in the house.
"Suga! Suga!" They yelled as they ran in. I walked to the couch and put her down. I placed my ear on her chest. Her breathing was so shallow. I pulled out my phone. I called Lay.
"Lay get over here now... I need your help man now this can't wait.. lay I'm being serious.. Emerald is about to die before my eyes.. thank you hurry..I'll text you the address..alright bye." I hung up and grabbed her hand.
Suddenly I heard feet running my way.
"Emerald. Ugh what happened?!?" Suga pushed Jungkook down to the floor.
"Yah hajima! None of us know." I shouted standing up.
"What are you doing in my house?!" Suga was obviously furious.
"Our house." Jimin corrected helping up Jungkook.
"Who cares!...ah mianhae I should have been there to protect you but I left you alone. I was never there for you it's all my fault." Suga mumbled as he grabbed her hand and layed his head next to her rib cage. I sent lay the address then,
"I'm so lost what are you to her? Why are you guys so emotional?" I asked.
"This is my sister!" Suga looked up with tears flowing down.
"What wait no, you don't have a sister." I replied.
"As was said by the company. I have a sister, one I was never there for but I watched grow. To protect her I secretly disowned her. I didn't want people to know about her and hurt her trying to get to me. We we're so close as young kids." Suga explained as he showed me small pictures of them as kids.
"One day she went some what missing. My mom took her to a concert ,she moved out ,and my mom never told me where she went. The day she went to the award show. I saw her. With Woozi. I couldn't say anything I was frozen, I couldn't let her know, I left to be a trainee before she could really remember much. I was a horrible person, been through so much. So much doubt, pain, stress, loss ,and the sense that I failed people, made me feel like I was a failure. Plenty of times I tried to give up on life. If only I could turn back time. I would have brought her with me ,and fixed our lives. I was there when she was in the hospital. No one knew, I dressed covered from head to toe. I saw her in her hospital bed, sleeping tears falling from her eyes. Whimpering in pain. I should have been the big brother to help her. Be there for her but no I thought of my self to be a celebrity. This life is to hard." Suga stopped after hearing the door bell. I ran to it and opened it,
"Ugh Lay." I gasped.
"Hey where is she?" He asked quickly.
"Over by Suga, straight she's on the couch." I explained.
"I need you to move back." Lay told Suga.
"No what are you going to do?" Suga asked.
"Please she's about to die." Lay begged as he placed a hand on her heart.
"Chanyeol what is he going to do?" Suga asked as he stood up.
"Okay to be honest I don't really know but Lay manages to do some amazing creepy stuff." I nervously smiled as at times I was creeped out.
"How? Wait are you not human?" Jungkook asked.
"He still human but probably a prophet, a angel sent from Jesus. Please don't tell anyone I just didn't want her going to the hospital." I explained.
A gasp from Emerald followed my statement. She layed on the couch with her eyes closed and her chest moving more then before. A fluid came from the side of her body, out of her hip.
"Lay what is that?" I asked as it was being collected.
"She was...bit by something." He replied in shock.
"By what?" Jimin asked.
"I don't really know but I can say it didn't hurt any of her organs." Lay smiled.
"Oh that's great." We all said.
"So she'll be okay?" Suga asked.
"Yeah she'll be great." Lay stood up.
"Thanks guys." Suga knoded.
"No problem." I smiled.
"Here's a blanket and a pillow." Jungkook handed it to Suga for Emerald. Suga covered her then looked at me.
"Would you like something to eat?.. To talk? What made you end up with my sister today?" Suga asked.
"I'm fine but its quite surprising. I thought your sister was happy with Woozi. It seems not." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"She doesn't want to be with Woozi anymore. She said she was a female player before she ran off. Also that why does she even bother. It was weird she was happy and fine with me last night then this morning everything changed." I explained as I sat down.

Dino's pov-
I walked into the coffee shop and scanned the area. It seemed to be fine to me there wasn't really anyone there but the waiter. I walked around the booths real quick to look for Emerald when I seen a girl sitting at a booth. I only saw her back so I walked to the front to see her face and I was in a bit of a shock. I got lost in my thoughts and time just seemed to freeze. I didn't want to move because from this angle she looked so beautiful. Not even knowing I was standing in front of her. I thought I was never going to see her again after our fight. Her curly hair flowed down her beautiful shirt. Her cheeks so pink and her eyes.. she changed her hair color the sane brown but blonde high lights. I pulled my self together and stepped up.
"Ha hey y-you don't mind if I sit with you do you?" I asked.
She looked up to see me and she sat up straighter.
"D-Dino wa what are you doing here?" Arabella stuttered.
"Funny that was my question. What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"I was waiting for Emerald." She replied.
"Oh wow." I slid my hand down my face.
"Why? Is everything okay?" Arabella stood up.
"Everything is fine. Please take a seat." We both sat down and I sat right next to her.
"Arabella.. Emerald set us up. I was coming here to meet with her too." I explained as I showed her the text message.
"Please...Will you still stay and have a cup of coffee with me?" I had a feeling that should would try to get up and leave. A slight smile wiped her face as she looked up at me and replied with,
"Sure a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt." I looked over at her and,
"Waiter." I smiled as we locked eyes.

Chanyeols pov-
"Thats weird." Suga said.
"Yeah a bit." I replied looking over at her.
"Thank you again." Suga looked down.
"Suga I didn't do much." I explained.
"You stood there by her side and you chased after her. I appreciate you for doing what you did." I kind of cut him off as I seen Emerald turn on the couch. I heard her cough and cover her face.
"Emerald." I softly said as I walked to her side. Her eyes fluttered as she was trying to wake.
"C Chan chanyeol oppa?" She stuttered. It warmed my heart to hear oppa after my name. I bent down on my knees and ran my fingers through her hair.
"I'm right here." I smiled.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Something bit you when we we're running." I explained.
"Am I okay?" She looked at me with puppy eyes. I chuckled at her then reassured her that she was fine. She then began to try and sit up. I helped her up and as I did she then noticed. Suga, Jimin, and Jungkook.
"Oppa what are we doing here?" She shyly asked as she moved closer to me.
"You're home." Suga said as he sat next to her and grabbed her hand.
"Suga.. what are you talking about? My home is with..." She stopped.
"We need to talk about that. Emerald your not happy there. Why stay?" I asked.
"Oppa where can I go except home? My mom is going to treat me like a little girl apologizeing for the problems I put my self through." She explained grabbing my hands.
"You can stay with me." Suga and I both said.
"Why is he so open? Chan who is he?" Emerald asked worried.
"Emerald Suga is your brother." I told her she didn't seem to believe me.
"Maybe you should get some rest and I can explain when you wake up." Suga knoded.
"Wait no I want to know now." Emerald turned to face him.
"If you wish." Suga replied and began explaining. After a little Emerald sat in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her stomach. She began to shake some what in my arms. I looked over at her and a tear was sliding down her face.
"SSH." I pulled my sweater up and patted her tear away with the palm of my hand.
"Mianhae I should have.." Suga was cut off as Emerald had jumped off me and into his arms for a hug. He didn't really know what to do but finally he pulled her in tighter.
"Thank you for protecting me because this is hard." Emerald replied. All Suga did was knoded as his eyes watered. She sat back down and starred at her lap.
"You okay?" I asked as I rubbed her back.
"I need to get my stuff out of Seventeen's house." She said as she looked up at me.
"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" I asked her.
"I need some time to think if I want to stay with Woozi." She said. It was silent for a good minute till..
"Would you like to take a shower? Or lay in my bed?" Suga asked.
"I don't have.."
"I have clothes for you come on." Suga took his sister up stairs with him.
"Man that poor girl has been through a lot." Jungkook said.
"Yeah she looks stressed. A bit different from when I first met her three years ago." I explained.
"Wait what? Yah why does she call you oppa?" Jungkook was lost.
"I brought her backstage three years ago the first time we met. She likes me, I was her first kiss please don't tell anyone." I explained.
"Thats why she doesn't want Woozi..." He trailed off.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Suga always told me that you we're her favorite and if anything she would always choose you if she had the chance." I was so blank. I felt so dumb, how did I not see it. The dream I had last night too of her. I called her baby. Was this a sign of the future? Or am I just crazy?

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