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Emeralds pov
"Oppa what should I wear? It's the first time I'm going out with you all. I want to be pretty but not to pretty. " I whined looking through my bag.
"Well that's to late. Jagi your beautiful you don't need clothes to make yourself even beautifuler. Your personality completes everything baby. You can wear something bland and you'd look good." He said looking at me as he buttoned up his shirt.
"Aw thanks babe now what do I wear? " I starred at him pointing at my bag.
"Oh man aren't you something...look wear this, this crop top with these jeans and the cute sandals you brought." He explained
"Okay I wear this. " and I started taking off my clothes.
"I have to take you home so you can get more clothes and stuff. I take you once we finish dinner okay? " Chanyeol explained. I looked up at him and knoded without a word. I finished getting dressed and put on my perfume and such when. Hands came around my waist and a head wrested on my shoulders.
"Are you okay? " he asked hugging me.
"Yeah I guess. " I said.
"Whats the matter? " he asked.
"Nothing. " I lied.
"Jagi jebal what's the matter? " he begged grabbing my hand. I let it go.
"Oppa please. " I said.
"Aniyo tell me baby please I can see something is bothering you. " he said looking at me. I stared down crossing my arms.
"I just don't really want to talk about it. " I explained.
"-sigh- I don't want to push you either. " he kissed my forehead.
"Can I go for a walk? " I asked looking in his eyes.
"Yeah I'll call you when we should go. " he said. I grabbed my phone and my purse and left. I was walking down the hall looking down when BANG!
"ouch. " I hissed as I rubbed my arm because of me falling on it.
I looked up to see a guy standing in front of me. He was completely covered by his hoody. All I could see was his eyes.
"I-im sorry I should have been walking slower. I didn't mean to run into you. " he explained as he gave out a hand to help me up.
"Oh its it's okay. " I stood up and dusted my self off. He knoded then went to go walk away.
"Wa-wait. " I stuttered reaching out.
He turned around,
"Do you know where the balcony is? I -sigh- i could use some air. " I said patting by side. I could see he smiled.
"Keep going straight then turn right it will take you to a door. " he pointed.
"Thank you. " I said.
"No problem." He stated. I turned around and followed what he said and sure enough I was outside looking over a beautiful view. I placed my phone in my pocket then layed my hands on the railing. I looked out and felt the air brush passed me. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number putting it up to my ear.
"Yes. " he groaned.
"Were you sleeping? " I asked.
"Yeah. Who is this? " he asked.
"Your tired. " I said looking down.
"Emerald? " he said.
"Yeah. " I said placing my chin on my palm.
"What are you doing? " he asked
"Nothing on a rooftop getting some air. " I explained.
"Is there a problem? " he asked.
"No just well a bit. I'm just emotional? " I said.
"Are you two okay? " he asked.
"Yeah just I don't even know really.. I kind of wish I knew my dad. " I said.
".." He didn't say anything.
"That's what I thought. " I said
"I didn't know. " he said.
"Yeah no one does. I was never able to be daddy's little angel. " I faked a smile.
"Emerald I'm sorry. " he said.
"Yeah. " I just looked into the night sky hoping he was looking down as well.
"What happened, if you don't mind me asking? " he asked.
My eyes watered
"It was.. " a knock came I looked back to see the jacket guy again.
"I I have to go. " I stuttered.
"Call me later. Bye. "
"Bye jihoon. " I hung up.
I turned around facing away from him and wiped my tears.
"I thought I'd say I'm sorry by bring you a coffee. I'm sorry if you don't like coffee but I bought you this. Also because it's a bit chilly tonight and I saw what you were wearing." He explained.
"Thank you. I'm not much of a coffee girl but I do drink some. I didn't know it was this cold out here either. " I said receiving the coffee he bought me.
"Yeah it's just windy that's why. " he said.
"Yeah. " I said wiping another tear.
"Do you mind me joining you? " he asked.
"No your fine. " I said.
"Can I ask why your crying? " he said as he handed me a napkin.
More tears slowly slipped.
"I'm sorry I'm not the type to cry around a total stranger. " I explained.
"We'll I don't have to be a total stranger. Promise me you won't freak out. " he said.
"I'm not in the mood too. " I said looking down at my coffee and taking a sip. He took off his hoody and face mask.
"Let's do this again. My name is Ok Taecyeon. Nice to meet you? " he said.
I giggled.
"That was so awkward nice to meet you too oppa. My names Emerald. " I gave out my hand and he shook it.
"Oh so you know me? " he asked.
"Yes. I do, sadly. " I sipped on my coffee.
"Hey! " he whined.
"I'm just kidding. " I smiled.
"Oh hehe ." He laughed.
"Yeah I'm a fan I've always wanted a friend like you. Your so sweet especially to Yoona. Ive always wanted to be close like that with you. Like brother and sister but best friends."
I shivered I was getting colder.
"Here. " Taecyeon took off his sweater and put it around me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Now why were you crying? " he asked as he sat on the ledge.
"I was thinking of my dad. " I admit.
"We'll that beautiful, why does he bring you to tears? " he asked.
"I never met my dad? " I looked up at Taecyeon then away.
"Oh I'm sorry." He jumped down then hugged me. After a good few seconds he let me go,
"What happened? " he asked standing next to me.
"I don't even know as far as I know is he was coming to see me. I was just born and just boom. Apparently he was just gone. I never met him, or even saw him. " I explained.
"I'm sorry. " Taecyeon said.
"I don't know how to exept that. " I explained.
"Just do I know what it's like to loose someone and it's not easy. " he said as he layed a hand on my shoulder.
Another knock came..
"Babe? " I heard.
"Chanyeolie? " I replied.
"Yeah. " he said.
"Oppa. " I ran up to him into his arms and squizzed him.
"You okay princess?" He asked.
"I need to tell you something. " I admit.
"Okay. Who is this?" He pointed. I closed the door behind Chan,
"It's Ok Taecyeon. " I said grabbing Chanyeols hand pulling him over.
"Oh hi. " Chanyeol gave him a manly hug.
"You two are dating?" Taecyeon asked.
"Yeah. So what happened are you okay now? " Chanyeol asked.
"What happened is that like I got emotional because babe I've never met my dad. I've never had a dad. I've never and I can't be a daddy's girl. I won't have a dad to walk me down the hall to the person I marry. I was born and lost my dad. I just wish that I could have met him. And been able to say "I love you daddy. " you know. Run into his arms and be picked up thrown into the air. Tickled and cuddled with but.. " I teared up again. He hugged me.
"Babe please don't continue. Please don't cry. Don't let this affect you my love. " he kissed my forehead.
"I'm here to help you get through this. I love you baby okay and I'll do anything to keep you. Although you didn't have a dad others will okay. And think of the bright side K will is your dad now. I'm here for you and your a strong independent women. I won't leave you or anyone else. " he explained hugging me.
"Will you? " I asked.
"Will I? I'll be the best boyfriend and best dad anyone will have. " he smiled with a tear down his face. I hugged him as tight as I could.
"I love you. " I said.
"I love you too. Let's go see the rest of the boys okay? " he demanded.
"Okay. " I knoded.
"Taecyeon here is your sweater back. " I pulled it off of me.
"Hey here's my number. Call me some time if you need anything. " he smiled.
"Okay. " I smiled.
"That's my name. " he pointed.
"You so cheesy. " I waved goodbye.. Chanyeol was driving when he pulled a jacket from the back seat.
"Put this on I wouldn't want you to be cold. " he said. I smiled. When I put it on I sat back in the chair he reached down and grabbed my hand. I held onto him. Chanyeol completed me he was literally a angel sent from heaven. I was going through hell before I met him. Well before I became a fan of exo. I needed to meet Chanyeol in person I was so in love with him. We met and I couldn't have been happier. He helped me with everything emotionally and physically. He made me a fighter. He saved me and loved me. When I got that kiss back stage my whole life changed. And when I lost him I knew one day I'd find him again. I waited and as I waited I found Seventeen but that's not the point. The point is I love Chanyeol and won't leave his side. I'll be here til we both die. I cry just thinking of loosing him. I can't loose Chanyeolie. He parked and we both got out the car. We walked into the resteraunt and saw the rest of exo.
"Hey Chanyeol! " they shouted.
"Hey! " Chanyeol replied with a smile as he grabbed my hand walking fast to the boys. It was my first time going out with Chanyeol and being around the rest of exo. So I was a bit shy.
"Hey Emerald. " Kai tapped my shoulder and came in for a hug.
"Oh hi. " I said
Baekhyun then Suho all came up and gave me a hug.
"Hehe hey guys." I hugged them back.
"Chanyeols jacket looks like a dress on you. " Sehun said.
"Yeah it does. " I smiled.
"Hey Emerald. " he hugged me as well. Those were the only members I actually knew or talked to.
"So for those of you who don't know or haven't met her yet. This is Emerald. " Chanyeol pointed out.
"Hello nice to actually personally meet the rest of you. " I waved.
"This is my girlfriend. " Chanyeol smiled.
"Oh chincha? " Xiumin was surprised.
"Yes. " I smiled.
"Oh wow hi. " Xiumin waved.
"Hi. " Lay came up to me and hugged me.
"Hi. " Chen hugged me as well and lastly kyungsoo just waved. He must be shy.
"Do you guys remember from that meet and greet like three years ago? " Sehun mentioned.
"Chanyeol brought her back stage. " chanyeol then cut sehun off.
"Shall we sit? " He smiled.
"Ne. " Suho demanded.
Chanyeol pulled out my chair,
"Sit. " he pointed
"Oh thank you. " I slowly sat in my seat. I sat all the way back and he pushed in my chair.
"What about me? " lay crossed his arms once chanyeol sat.
"Iyysh. " Chanyeol ignored him and everyone laughed.
"So rude. " lay huffed.
I couldn't help but laugh, lay was cute.
"So should we order the usual? " Chen asked.
"Yeah I mean everyone likes the usual and it serves us all. " kyungsoo stated.
"So the usual it is. " Kai clapped.
"Oppa what's the usual? " I whispered to Chanyeol.
"Oh right its like pork belly, chicken, lomein, vegetables, desert after, steak, shrimp, oh egg rolls. Stuff like that. " He whispered.
"Chanyeol that sounds like the whole menu. Is that okay to order? " I asked.
"Yeah the chef knows us and actually loves cooking for us. Plus it's the right amount to serve us all equally. Don't worry baby, what do you want to drink?" He asked.
"Sweet tea. " I shook.
"You okay? " he asked with a laugh.
"Yeah I just love sweet tea. " I smiled.
"Alright then.. I'm ready to order. " Chanyeol said sitting back.
"We all are, yehet. " Sehun said
"Omg that's so old hehe. " I giggled.
As the waiter came and talked to Suho I started talking to Sehun.
"You remember that? " Sehun asked.
"Of course I do it's only the catchiest thing. I remember a lot I've been a exoL from the start. Yehet ohorat kkaebsong. I was obsessed with kkaebsong. " I admit.
"Wow. " Baekhyun smiled.
"Here you have.. Yoda, dinosaur, boazi, yehet, dancing machine, kkaebsong, daddy, unicorn, and satansoo. " I shyed away into my seat.
"When did we debut? " Xiumin asked.
"I forget sometimes! " Lay said
"December 23, 2011. Your debut song was mama which came out April 8 and the ep came out the 9. Yes I remember. " I said.
"That's fantastic. " kyungsoo replied.
Fantastic baby dance. " Chen jumped up and started dancing.
"Sit down your so embarrassing! " I laughed.
"What me? " Chen was acting dumb.
"Yes. " I smiled.
"Oh I smell it here comes the food. " Kai smiled.
"Oh isn't nini excited. " I said.
"He loves food. " Chanyeol said handing me a napkin.
I sat in my seat quietly as everything was getting set up.
"Enjoy. " they said.
Chanyeol handed me a plate.
"Grab what you want babe. " he said.
"No I don't want to be the first. " I said
"Okay. " he snatched my plate and started putting food on it.
"What are you doing? " I asked.
"Serving my girlfriend. " I smiled at him as he placed my plate down.
"Thank you... Thank you to all of you. I love you Exo. " I said
"Love you too. " they replied. I ate it slowly but quick enough for the boys to not pay attention to me as I ate. I finished my plate and sat there looking down into my lap.
"Emerald your not going to eat more? " Baekhyun asked.
"Me oh ani aniyo I'm okay I'm pretty full. " I patted my stomach.
"But we have so much food please don't be shy to eat. " Baekhyun said.
I just sat quite.
"It's okay no one is watching. " he said as he looked through a crack in his fingers. I giggled,
"Maybe just a little more. " I showed with my fingers.
"Little more. " he knoded.
I placed a little more lomein and ate it.
"Good? " he asked.
"Ne. " I smiled. I hung my head low and rested with my arms around my chest.
"I think she's tired. " lay whispered.
"Gwaenchanh-a?" Chanyeol touched my shoulder
"Yeah I'm okay. Just tired...Oppa? " I said.
"Ne? " he asked.
"I don't want to leave Exo. " I explained as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I understand jagi but I don't know what I can do. " Chanyeol said as he stroked my hair.
"Will I have to go back to Suga and you leave? " I asked.
"I think so. " he said.
"Okay... So. " I drifted off.
"Ayy I just got like so sad. " Kai got up and walked away.
"If only he would let her come. "Chen whispered under his voice.
"Manager hyung should. " lay said.
"I'll go check Kai. " Baekhyun said as he got up from his chair.
"I'm ready to go home. " I whispered.
I stood up and walked around the table saying my goodbyes as Chanyeol sat in his seat staying still. I walked outside to find,
"Kai. " they looked my way and I ran up to him. I looked him in the eyes then hugged him.
"Bye. " I said as I held on.
"No please don't go. " he hugged me.
"Kai I want to stay. " I replied.
"Don't go. " he begged digging his head in chanyeols hoody. I just hugged him.
"I'll call you? " I asked.
"Yeah. " he said looking down.
"I'm just as sad as you but please oppa your going to hurt me. If I left and you were sad. Please nini can I see you smile jebal." I placed my hands on his cheeks and he blushed a bit.
"There you are. Saranghaeyo kai. " I hugged him again.
"I love you Emerald. " he replied I turned around and hugged Bacon.
"I see you. " I smiled.
"I'll see you too. " he forced a smile.
The rest of exo came walking out when I seen Chanyeol he looked sad.
"Ready? " he asked
"Yeah. " we both got in the car and he drove off. Chanyeol reached out and grabbed my hand keeping a eye on the road.
"Your bags in the back, I grabbed it before we left. " he admit.
"Okay. " I looked out the window. The radio wasn't on and it wasn't raining yet but I was getting close to home and I could hear sounds. Sniffles, I looked over and I couldn't see Chanyeols face. I stayed quite when two minutes later I was finally home.
I looked down and held Chanyeol hand with both mine. I squeezed his hand then released. I got out the car grabbed my bag and went to walk to the front door. I felt the raindrops slowly beginning to come down. I heard the car door slam and I turned around. Chanyeol was walking my way tears in his eyes.
I ran up to him and he picked me up off my feet.
"Jagi don't go. " he said muffled in my sweater
"Please don't leave I don't want you to leave me. I need you. " he started having troubles breathing. He put me down and he looked at me.
"Ugh oppa don't cry. " I wiped his tears away.
"But but.. " he sighed deeply then it started to poor.
"I'll miss you oppa. " I said hugging him.
"How am I going to sleep at night? " he asked.
"Like I will forcing it. I love you Chanyeol. " he grabbed my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. I hung on until he let me go. I've always wanted a kiss in the rain.
"I'll call you. " he said. I wiped away his last tears.
"I'll answer. Saranghaeyo Chanyeolie. " I kissed his cheek and walked away. I stood at the door as he got in his car. Once he began to reverse I walked in dripping in water...

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