First day back

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Woozis pov
Home sweet home was that possible for me to say. The sweet part but not really home. I was at my girlfriends house not my house. I still felt as if I fit in though. They excepted me not because I was Woozi from the band Seventeen but. They excepted me as Jihoon as a normal human, as a normal teen living life. I came "home" to a dinner on the table. Surprisingly Emeralds mom had cooked dinner and had it ready by the time we got home. Some of it I wasn't able to eat due to my surgery. Like the steak which is my favourite, I like to eat meat. So I was a little sad to be honest but I was able to eat the mashed potatoes. Then after I got apple sauce I felt like a little kid again. You can say that when I got there I was a little spoiled. Emerald and I had then went up stairs to her room. I layed softly on to the bed making sure my knee was alright.
"You need anything babe?" Emerald asked and I shook my head no.
"How will you take a shower?" She asked. I grabbed my phone an typed.
"Stand. I can stand on my feet. I'll just take off my brace." Then I gave it to her.
"Ah ok." She sat next to me, then fell to the side. The rest of Seventeen went to our apartment and so did Arabella. I wonder what her and Dino are doing? Emerald layed next to my ribs and I stroked her hair.
"It sucks with what you are going through but I'm happy I get to spend a little more time with you. This time it's alone too." She explained picking her head up from the bed. I knoded mine understanding where she was coming from. I pointed at the tv,
"On?..ok." As we flipped through the channels I heard our song come on. Emerald left it there and we watched what was going on. I guess it was a celebrity TV/news show because a girl came on.
"Today we have been informed about the group Seventeen. The three sub, thirteen member group in which sings this beautiful song 아낀다. About last week after a interview Seventeen was hit by a car and taken to the hospital. Many minor injuries where done except for Woozi and Jeonghan. Woozi was in ICU for multiple days and had to get a surgery. Jeonghan was better but he messed up his leg and had to be put on crutches. But ladies don't worry everyone is okay and out of the hospital now. Woozi is in a knee brace and a cast on his hand. He broke a couple fingers, ribs, and twisted his knee. Sounds painful but he is a strong guy and he got through it. These are pictures of the Seventeen members leaving the hospital this very morning. You can see smiles across all their faces but!! Not only do you notice smiles but..a new girl. With Dino! Over off in the corner you see Dino holding a girls hand. Then before they get into a car they share a hug, how cute. Could it be? Are they dating? How do you feel now knowing Seventeen is okay and Dino may not be single anymore?! My name is Jessica and I will see you next week with more celebrity news." Wow we were surely are watched.
"You have no private life." She said I looked at here and laughed then I patted her back..sadly I shook my head, really I don't. I don't have privacy a lot. The most privacy I've had is when I'm either making music or right now, with my girlfriend. Other then that I'm with the boys. We watched tv for a couple more hours when,
"Hhee~" I tried to speak something but it was just a whistle.
"Yes." She sat up quick.
"Lets go out somewhere for a walk or something." I typed.
"Alright." We both got up out of bed and put on our shoes. She helped me down the stairs and we said goodbye to her mom then went. We drove to a park that was a couple streets away. When we got there she ran to the stage. She had put her phone down and played a song. I noticed it was a song by Exo..
"Growl!" She yelled happily I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute how she was so happy to dance to it. I notice at a point her cheeks and ears began to burn red. Was she blushing? Was she in love with the member singing? Was she embarrassed? I walked up to the stage and motioned for her to sit down. She sat down in front of me and put her hands on my hips. I leaned in so my nose was on hers and I was staring right in her eyes.
She leaned up a little and placed her lips on mine. I licked my lips and she layed her head on my chest.
"I can't wait to hear your voice...can you whisper?" She looked up and I lowered my head to her ear.
"Hi.." Wait did I? I did..A smile spread across her face cheek to cheek. I was so happy I kind of tackled her onto the stage. I tapped my knee on the stage a little to hard, I rolled over and I massaged It for a little. Then I looked at her with a pouty face. She laughed at me,
"Oppa Chincha your so cute." She said and leaned over and kissed my cheek. I gave her a half smile then layed down. She came close and I wrapped my arm around her.
"If I was to introduce you to a group who would it be?" I texted her.
"Woozi you would?!" She jumped up onto her feet. I sat up with a smile on my face and knoded my head. She sat down on the floor and grabbed my hand,
"Woozi your not lieing?" She looked sad. I shook my head no and she smiled.
"I would really like to meet Exo..or Exo." She was indecisive.
"Bts okay final answer Exo because there are more members." She laughed.
"I could have you meet more then one group." I texted.
"Your killing me. How can I do that? In my heart I'm still a fan I mean around you I act normal but I still fangirl. And really I do still like a lot of other artist." She explained.
"Babe I understand your a fan yeah your going to flip..but your mine ^^. And crushes that's always going to happen but you would never cheat on me.. Would you?" I texted her. I could see a sigh roll off of her lip. Oh no I felt the bad news.
"Woozi...No! Not unless you cheat on me and we break up." She said I knoded my head with a slight smile. I moved my head to signal lets go.

Emeralds pov
Why?! Why?! Why me ugh!! I honestly am so upset at my self at this current moment. I love Woozi I do but..when he said that. Well when he texted me that. I thought of Vernon when..well you know. I would tell Woozi but I'm scared he'd get mad at me, he might have the strength and fight Vernon. It was one thing, something he would be fine without knowing. Let's just move on. Hopefully I can move on. What does Vernon think? It just bothers me I've only had two other boyfriends Woozi is my third. I'm always faithful and tell the truth. But I'm so scared to loose Woozi. We got back in the car and Woozi directed me on where to go.
"I've never been over here before." I said
"Good." He whispered I smiled.. Soon we made it and he grabbed my hand as we got out of the car. We got in the building and into a elevator. When I stood in the corner because I really HATE elevators. He came over to the corner and stood in front of me. I was pinned up against the side. He leaned in when, he pulled out a bandanna. He turned me around and blind folded me.
"Wait what are you doing?" I asked I waited for a little when I heard a ding. He grabbed my hand and walked me out.
"Woozi what is..?" I couldn't finish because when Woozi took off my blind fold. I was staring at the sunset, he slipped his hands behind me and back hugged me.
"'s so beautiful." I said
"Dinner." He whispered.
"What?" I asked And he pointed off to the side where there was a table.
"Dinner while watching the sunset." I said looking at him over my shoulder.
"Mmhm." He smiled then kissed my neck. I arked my back because it tickled he intwined our hands and kissed my neck again.
"Woozi stop." I said I turned around and cupped his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed. He kissed me on my neck again and I tried to push away. But he was to strong and pulled me into him. Before our eyes the sun had set before we even got to sit down and eat dinner. We didn't even order our food.
"Let's just go home babe. I'm okay with not having dinner. I had fun with you. Really that's all I need. I'm okay with not eating right now. I just want to have fun!!" I jumped around.
"Sure?" He asked
"Yeah." I knoded kissing his cheek.
"Home?" He asked
"Ne." So with that we got in the car and went home.
When we walked back in my mom was sleeping on the couch.
"Oppa you can go up stairs. I'll meet you up there." I demanded. I walked over to my mom.
"Omma hey wake up you fell asleep on the couch. Go to your bed." I explained
"Okay okay." She got up and walked to her room. I turned off the tv and made my way up stairs. When I peeked from the corner Woozi was walking to the bathroom. First he was shirtless then he pulled off his belt and his pants slid down. So they were still on but sagging.
"Mmh." I bit my lip as he walked into the bathroom. I gave up and sat on the stairs. When I don't know why but I crawled to the bathroom to the door and sat next to it. I guess I just wanted to hear and make sure he was okay. I could hear him humming in the shower. His vocals sounded nice but they were a little off. The surgery was still affecting him. He got out and I went in. I took a shower, got dressed, then ran out and into my room. I dropped my stuff onto the floor and jumped onto my bed. Next to Woozi,
"Hi." I smiled wide.
"Hey." He whispered his voice was raspy it was. I don't know how to explain it but it was kind of hot. It gave me the shivers.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked.
"Sleep we more stuff tomorrow." He struggled to say.
"Alright." I kissed his lips then layed on my side of the bed. I didn't want to lay near him because I didn't want to hurt him.
"Night princess." He said
"Night love." I replied slipping into sleep.
아낀다 - adore you

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