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Sakuras p.o.v
As I walked in the house greeting my girls "kon'nichiwa!" I greeted me friends "kon'nichiwa!"they all said in unison Ino,Hinata,Tenten,temari were all like sisters to me we were orphans all abandoned at the age of 12 we then stared growing up together we grew an unbreakable bond together and treated eachother like real sisters then hinata said "Sakura,thank you so much for buying the food" then I smiled and said  "no problem hinata  besides I needs to so you can cook for us" hinata smiled gently she took the groceries and stared cooking for us hinata cooked so well then Tenten toke out a sharp shrikuen and said "Look Sakura I just got another cool weapon to my collection!"Tenten loves her weapons and us then temari walked into the kitchen to help hinata  she was a big help and addition to the family  then it was Ino she was on her computer she was the tech girl who loves to be on social media she helped us with a lot of stuff tho I had to admit minute later,hinata and temari were setting up the table they called us and told us "Dinners ready!" all the girls went to the table we all prayed And stared eating Ino was also on her laptop typing furiously then I said "Ino,what's with all the typing?"she then she said "well,I'm finding us a highschool to go to so I need to focus" she said Tenten then said "Yea,ino's right we need to find an highschool quickly have you found one Ino?"lno then said "well,I found this one kohona university highschool a school for all kinds of kids" then Sakura said "hey,that one doesn't sound that bad and it's in Japan so that shouldn't be a long plane ride"temari them said "yea,your right actually it should take a few hours" then hinata nodded yea I then yelled "Pack you Bags girls Were going to kohonagakure!!" We all cheered with excitement in our voice

So do you guys like my new story so far please comment below!!💕

So do you guys like my new story so far please comment below!!💕

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||If you only knew||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora