The plane ride

818 47 2

Third person p.o.v
As the girls all woke up they were on the living room floor they were still in clothes they were in from last night they looked around and saw bags they then remembered they finished packing and fell asleep they all yawned and stretched Sakura then panicked they had to leave before their plane left in an hour!!sakura yelled "Omg!!we have to get ready and shower fast we have to leave in one hour!"all the girls stared running around the house some heading towards the bathroom some going upstairs within 20 minutes all the girls were by the door  Sakura had on pink shorts with a white crop top shirt with pink vans Ino had on a black skirt with purple sleeveless shirt and a dark purple sweater showing her shoulders with purple sandals hinata had on a lavender dress with purple poka dots and some beige flats temari wore an fishnet shirt with a black crop top shirt under black tight skirt and soon black converse tenten wore baggy red pants with a white long sleeved shirt an red and white hat with red bold letters TOMBOY  With all her hair down  and the girls grabbed all their bags and we were off to the airport driving they arrived and waited in a short line they gave the men their tickets numbers and ran to the number the plane was about  leave they then made it on the plane they sat down hinata and Sakura together and temari and Ino with Tenten behind them hinata and Sakura were talking about how they think kohonagakure is gonna turn out Ino and temari were also talking bit Tenten no so much the man Said "they really let you in with those sharp things?!" Tenten said "no,they didn't but when I showed then I'm an weapon expert they let me on"  Tenten then took out an  kunai and spinning  it around the man was terrified the kunai was inches away from his face until Tenten caught it at the right time and said "see?i'm an expert"the man sighed and sinked in his seat Ino also had A Little situation she was on her computer and devices temari was just enjoying the view the woman in the plan typed ino's shoulder and said "umm,ma'am you have too many devices on could you please turn them off?" Temari looked at the women and said "Ino never turns off her devices" then woman said "but,there probably gonna mess up the plane service putting us all in danger" Ino said "there on airplane mode" she was still looking at the computer then women said "oh,well I'm sorry for interrupting" she walked away the girls all thought "kohonagakure here we come".....
Hey!,so I finally update and this was a long chapter I'll be updating probably today if these gets a few views

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey!,so I finally update and this was a long chapter I'll be updating probably today if these gets a few views

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||If you only knew||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora