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it's been six days since the night of liam and harry's anniversary. nothing's changed.

harry still goes to 52nd street every night, because nick was still gone. and he doesn't know why.

liam and harry kept getting interrupted by niall.

louis starts his first teaching job today. 

other than that, everything else is the same. so, harry started his day as normal.

it was thursday morning, and harry did not want to get out of bed.

the only reason he ended up out of bed is because niall was smacking him in the face with a magazine. why? he doesn't know.

harry rolled himself out of bed and shuffled into the tiny bathroom. he quickly ran his fingers through his thick curls and brushed his teeth. then he threw on a plain black shirt and skinny jeans. to top it off, he picked a pink flower crown to sit upon his head.

he grabbed his bag and walked to his first class. it went by pretty quickly. afterwards, he's off to math.

he walked into his math classroom and sat at his usual seat in the back of the room. harry doesn't particularly like math, and he isn't doing very well either. his grades have dropped from an A to a C, and he's trying really hard to bring it up.

students started piling into the classroom, and soon the teacher came in. a teacher who was not mrs vaughn.

the teacher turned around to introduce himself. "hello! i'm your substitute teacher for the day! my name is mr tomlinson. mrs vaughn is sick today, so you guys are stuck with me." louis said. the whole class laughed, but harry just dropped his textbook.

the noise echoed off the walls in the classroom, causing louis' attention to be pulled towards the sound. his eyes locked with harry's and his jaw dropped. his face pulled into a smirk.

"alright." louis clapped his hands together. "open your textbooks to the page you were last working on, and begin doing the first five problems. mrs vaughn told me you guys had a test last class so i'll be passing back your tests."

louis grabbed the tests from the side of the desk and began to call out names.
"veronica dunkle" he called.
"elizabeth kelly"
he continued to call names, until he reached harry's.
louis frowned when looking at the grade.
"harry styles" he called.

 harry shakily got up from his seat, not ready to see what he got on the test he didn't study for.

he took the test from louis' hands, and they brushed fingers once again. both boys felt heat shoot through their bodies.

harry swiftly turned around and went back to his desk. he laid his head down, trying to get the image of the "D" stamped test out of his head.

the rest of the class went by smoothly, and the bell soon rung. harry tried to dash out of the room, but right as he reached the door, louis grabbed his arm.

louis asked, "mr styles, may i please talk to you?"

harry gulped but nodded, pushing the butterflies in his tummy back into their cage.

harry sat down at the front and waited for louis to speak.

"i didn't know you were a uni student." louis said smirking.

harry replied, "and you don't look like you'd be a professor but i guess we were both wrong."

"someone's pissy." louis said, earning a glare from harry.

"well if you haven't noticed, i nearly failed that math test." harry said, running a hand through his mop of curls.

louis hummed in agreement. "i'm sorry. if you need help i'm willing to offer it." louis replied sincerely.

harry blushed and just nodded his head while looking down.

 "well, i need to go, so i'll see you tonight." louis said, biting his lip.

harry's eyes went straight to his lips and his breath hitched.

"yeah i should go too." harry replied and sped walked out of the room.

harry opened the door the his dorm and jumped on his tiny bed, hitting his head on the headboard in the process.

upon hearing harry's groan, niall's head popped out from around the corner of the bathroom. he walked over to harry's bed, and stood there. then he jumped on top of him.

harry kept groaning, ignoring the nonsense words coming out of niall's mouth.

finally he stopped, and harry asked him what he had said.

niall leaned down by harry's ear and whispered, "zayn kissed me."

harry threw niall off of him and squealed like a child.

niall laughed and began telling harry the whole story.

harry was walking back to the main office of uni to talk to somebody about getting a tutor for his maths class.

harry talked to the woman, and she told him she would schedule tutoring sessions with someone every tuesday, when harry only has one class.
he nodded in agreement and thanked the woman before walking out of the building. since it was already late, he walked to 52nd street.

he got there 10 minutes early, so louis wasn't around yet. he waited patiently for the smaller boy to arrive.

20 minutes later, louis still hasn't shown up, but harry waited anyway. at around 9:45, louis showed up, and harry handed him the bag.

"sorry, i had some stuff to do." louis said. it seemed like he was upset and in a rush.

harry just nodded. he opened his mouth to ask louis what was wrong but he didn't have a chance to get his words out before louis walked off.

tuesday afternoon, harry had his first tutoring session. no one told him who his tutor was, so harry was anxious to find out.

at 2:30, harry headed to the library where the woman in the office told him to meet his tutor. harry walked to the designated table and sat down.

ten minutes later, harry saw a figure approach him. he was expecting it to be his tutor. he pulled his eyes up from the book he was reading and he was met with blue eyes and lips with a piercing.

"of fucking course." harry swore.

louis smiled innocently.

the rest of the tutoring session will continue next chapter :)).

there may be more tonight, i'm not sure. because i need to spend time with my grandmother tonight.

ily munchkins <3

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