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*trigger warning,  vulgar language, physical beatings and self harm are involved with this chapter. do not read if any of these things are offensive or bothersome to you. love you all.

harry's pov

i limped back to my dorm. nick beat me to shit. my eyes were almost swollen shut from crying, and from when nick popped me in the eye. my nose was disformed and bloody. my legs were weak, and i had trouble breathing from my stomach. yet somehow my flower crown was in perfect shape.

i made the mistake of wearing mascara that day. now it was running down my face. my lipgloss was smudged, making my face sticky.

i eventually arrived back to my dorm. i opened the door, my eyes widening when i saw liam laying on my bed. his eyes matched mine when he saw my appearance.

"what the hell harry?!" he asks, yelling.

he runs to me and his hands cup my face, brushing lightly underneath my swollen eyes.

i sniffled then muttered, "nick" between sobs.

liam's eyes turned dark. he started pelting questions at me. questions that i didn't really want to answer.

"liam, liam, liam, liam!!" i said, trying to stop him from talking. he stopped and looked up at me.

"can you just take me to a clinic or something? my nose and my ribs hurt.." i muttered. liam nodded. he picked me up bridal style, and carried me to his car. i inhaled the familiar scent of his cologne and slightly smiled, knowing i was safe.

liam drove to the nearest clinic, and we waited in the waiting room.

"why did nick do this to you harry?" liam asked me softly. i just shook my head, tears falling from my eyes despite my efforts to hold them back.

he used two fingers to softly lift my head, slightly kissing my lips and fixing my crooked flower crown. he wiped underneath my eyes, ridding the running mascara.

"you can tell me." he says.

"harry styles?" a nurse ask. i stood up quickly, walking quite fast behind her.

she put us in a room and told us to wait. i was hoping the doctor would come in quickly, because i really didn't want to talk about this with liam.

"harry babe, please talk to me." he pleads, reaching for my hand.

i pulled a light smile at how he cared, and then spoke lightly, "just nick being nick." i forced a chuckle.

liam frowned and i saw tears welling up in his eyes.

"baby please, i just want to keep you safe."

i felt my bottom lip trembling. it's not like i didn't want to tell him, i just couldn't. i know he'd leave me and i can't lose him too.

i eventually broke, and my loud sobs filled the room. "i'm scared liam." i spoke shakily.

he pulled me towards his chest and hushed me. he played with my hair to calm me down. he peppered my face with kisses and held me tight until i stopped crying.

"what're you so scared of love?" he asked, still caressing my hair.

"i.." i struggled. "i can't tell you."

liam looked sad and hurt, but just nodded and turned away.

luckily, the doctor came in.

"well mr styles, it looks like you got hit pretty good." the doctor says, and i chuckle.

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