I Thought Your Kind Was Extinct - 2

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I had the worst class first period. Who has Athletics first period? It’s like eating cardboard. Gross.

I dressed out and began to run a few laps around the track Running and karate were the only things that made me happy. The words Zach had said were still bouncing around in my head, never leaving my thoughts. How could she? Didn’t she feel any guilt at all for lying to her best friend? I wish I have a class with her to get this sorted out, or at least lunch.

Come 3rd Period, I had math, and Brittany was sitting right there, her back facing me. Maybe I could stab her in the back. I saw that same good looking guy I had seen earlier in the hallway today, except he had his hood off. My breathing hitched and I had to put a hand to my chest to make sure my heart was still beating. The guy was an angel. Without his hood, his hair was a tousled shiny black, and his face was even more prominent against the glare of the window. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I took a seat next to Brittany and before I could ask her anything, my eyes found their way back to the mystery guy. I needed to know who that was. I looked around the room and noticed that I wasn’t the only one in daze. Girls were batting their eyelashes and guys were glaring in his direction. The wonderful thing? He didn’t have a single clue and just continued to stare out of the window. Which, in my opinion, made him even more alluring.

“Alright class, make sure you pick a good seat because this is where you’re going to be all year.” Said Mr. Richards.

In the end, he ended up picking the seats and I was seated right behind the mystery guy. Yes! But the bad thing was Brittany sat right in front of him. Mr. Richards let us talk the rest of the period and I knew this was my chance to ask Brittany what the hell Zach was talking about.

“Hey, Brit can I talk to you for a sec?” I questioned.

“Yea sure, what’s up?” She didn’t sound too enthusiastic. Not wanting to make it a big deal, I told her to come to my desk where I knew the mystery guy probably wouldn’t be listening, and no one else could sense the tension that was about to go down.

“Zach told me something interesting… do you like him?”

“What??!?!? What are you talking about? That’s gross I would never like him he’s not my type and I mean come on, he’s your man and you guys make a totally cute couple.” Whatever, lying bitch.

“But, this morning didn’t you say that you wanted him?”

“Oh I did? Well I was just messing around you know?”

“Um no actually I don’t care to explain?”

“I don’t see what the big deal is it’s not like we kissed or anything so just calm your ass down, Jennifer.”

“That’s nice, cause Zach told me that you took his gum…from…his…mouth.”

With that, the bell rang and Brittany did the fastest run out I swear she could have beat half the track team.

The mystery guy turned around and I caught his eye. I thought I saw some amusement in those beauties, but it was probably my imagination, he doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t even know me.

I grimaced as I realized that Brittany never answered my question properly from before.

I had about twenty minutes until lunch ended, so I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. This time, instead of leaving it in a messy bun, I left it down and pulled a bobby pin from my backpack and made a “poof.”

I walked past the library, and I heard some muffled noises coming from the hallway next to it. Not very surprised, I saw Brittany and Zach eating each other’s faces off. Eww.

I didn’t want to bother their little session, so it turned around and walked into the library and start reading any book by Sarah Dessen. I didn’t really know anyone in my lunch since I was stuck with Freshman and had A lunch, so I had no other choice.

As I walked past the columns, I saw the mystery guy. Well, turns out he’s a book nerd too. He had about four books on either side of him, and he seemed to emanate this bad buy yet nerd aura. I didn’t dare talk to him. Instead, I took a book and walked past him, to the table right next to him because it had good lighting. I opened the book and was absorbed in my reading. Before I knew it, the bell to end lunch had rang, and neither of us even looked in the other’s direction as we walked out.

The rest of the whole week went by like a blur and I never talked to Brittany again after that day in math class. She was obviously avoiding me, looking at me in the hallway and making a sharp u-turn in the other direction. I couldn’t care less of what she had to say, because I saw more than I needed to see the first day at the library.

Ever since the first day, I kept seeing the mystery guy in the library everyday, always with giant books surrounding him and always keeping his nose stuck in one of them.

I wanted to say a lot of things to Zach, how he could forget about me so easily, why him and my “friend” were sneaking around behind my back, what I did or didn’t do to make him hate me. Boys are so complicated. Especially this one.

As I was exiting the school and making my way to the bus parking lot, I saw someone come running towards me. It was the mystery guy from the library. At first I didn’t know what type of expression to put on, but as he grew closer, I knew I had to be myself, be natural. Something about this guy brought out the truth in me. He was finally standing in front of me and he didn’t look as out of breath as I first expected.

“You forgot this in the library today.” He said, completely unnerved by the running he did.

“Thanks.” It was my book. It wasn’t embarrassing enough that I forgot it in the library. No, the cover of the book had a guy and girl doing some serious kissing. I looked at the mystery guy and I couldn’t help it, I started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” He drawled, grinning a little himself.

“Nothing, nothing.” I said, and I quickly walked off into the bus before I could say or do anything more stupid.

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