I Thought Your Kind Was Extinct - 4

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But, before I went to the track, I went down to my best man, Jeremy.

“Hey Jeremy, hook me up with some fast wheels? I can’t drive this.” I said, pointing at my brand new Altima.

“Yea, I got you covered, it’s actually the third car down the row. Hasn’t been driven for a while, waiting for the right driver, but the engine is just sexy.”

I knew I could count on him. He threw me the car keys and I pulled off the cover, revealing a sleek black Bugatti Veyron. That’s hot. I can’t believe Jeremy didn’t tell me!


“Wanted to surprise you girl you’re one of the closest people to me, and hey, maybe you can keep her. I’ll think about it.”

“This is awesome! Thanks so much!” I said, grinning from ear to ear. I walked around the car, looking at it from every angle, until I got to the back. At the back on the license plate, it said “Exstrom.” This was way too much. I ran up behind Jeremy and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a giant hug. Nobody had ever done this for me.

“Jeremy I love it! Especially the license plate! Why’d you do all this?” I wondered.

“Well, you told me how your mom never let you get one, so I said what the hell, I’ve got money, might as well buy it for my best gal.” He said, smiling and showing his cute dimples. I just beamed at him, my happiness clearly written on my face.

“Besides, you’re the only one I know that actually cared so much about cars, think of it as a gift for your commitment to cars.” Once again I pounced on the boy like a cat. I love this kid.

“All right, all right, get off of me and give that girl a spin. She hasn’t been driven in almost a year. Probably waiting to rape those roads.” I just beamed and smiled at him some more. I could never forget this.

“Hahahahaha, all right, I know I’m beautiful, but go!” Before another word, I dug the keys out of my pocket and sprinted towards my car. I climbed into the driver’s seat and turned it on. The engine sounded absolutely delicious to my ears. I looked out the window and saw Jeremy give me thumbs up with a cute smile. Never gonna forget this guy as long as I live.

As I pulled out of the garage, I could feel the adrenaline running through me, and I really wanted to start racing. I called up some friends, the “bad” type, and said to meet me at the usual place. As I was waiting I perused through my contacts on my phone and found Zach. Hmm, won’t need this anymore. Delete.

I drove around for about ten minutes, knowing they’re probably speeding down 290 right now, waiting to see my ride and beat me in a race. The first person that arrived was Candace, and I have to say, this girl is the nicest person I have ever met. She has beautiful, long, blond curls, skinny waist, and a great fashion taste. She would be characterized as your usual preppy blonde cheerleader, except she was all street racing. What’s even more surprising is she’s Brittany’s cousin. We said out hellos and started talking about the other’s ride.

Next came Eli. This boy was just mm mm mmm sexy. He had the perfect bad boy yet nice look going on, with the black hair, green eyes, and aristocratic features, and he was a complete sweetheart. As he pulled up, I jumped on his car hood, and laid down. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted up like a princess and put on the ground by him. Next came Kevin, the perfect prince. Tall, gorgeous face, blonde hair, and overflowing chivalry. He had just recently joined our gang, but he was very nice company. Just throw a couple of teeth into that smile and he’s at your feet. Lastly, came Trip. He was the quiet, unsociable one, but he’s been with us ever since we started and we love him. Plus, he and Candace have liked each other since childhood, neither ready to confess to the other though. He was also just as good looking as Eli and Kevin. He had mixed features of both of them, even though they’re not related in any way. He has pitch black hair with natural blonde and red highlights, honey colored eyes, and a lot of swag to match his personality. We all had known each other since we were little, besides Kevin, and we’re best friends, one knowing what the other was doing almost every second, since we all come from extremely high class families, Jeremy being the highest out of all of us.

We all gathered around, sizing up the other’s ride in a friendly manner. Our cars were parked together right behind us, and we stood in a circle. From a satellite, it would look like a flower. Eli threw me a stick of gum, already knowing my question before I even asked it.

“So, guess what I discovered these past two weeks.” I said, arising conversation.

“What happened baby girl? Somebody mess with you?” Eli said, of course.

“Actually yeah. You guys know Brittany right?”

“Who, the skank?” Candace asked, knowing perfectly well who I was talking about.

“Yeah, her. Turns out she and Zach have been sneaking around together behind my back, while we were still dating.”

They all just looked at me with a bored expression. Kevin had the balls to yawn.

“What? What happened? Did you guys already know about this?” I accused, losing my cool in a total of 2 seconds.

“Well, yeah, you can easily tell baby girl. Brittany would always come out of the bathroom breathing hard and looking like she just applied a fresh coat of lipstick every time.” I just stared at Eli, open-mouthed. How could I be so stupid?

“Well than why did no one tell me?”

This time Kevin spoke up.

“We thought you already knew, and just decided to be cool about it, because you’re…cool.” Wow.

“So is this why you randomly called us? Because you wanted to take your anger out?” Asked Trip. Ah so logical.

“Actually, yeah it is.”

“All right then, what the hell are we doing standing around? Let’s go rape some streets.” I knew there was a reason Candace liked him. Always so short, sweet, and to the point.

We all climbed into our rides, starting them up at the same time. When they were all started, we all were showing off, revving our engines and blasting the rpm, just for a second, before bringing it back down and doing it again, circling around each other.

Let’s get it goin.

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