The Beginning

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Ana felt a striking pain on her head when she move her left arm to touch the part of her head that is aching she felt a fabric around her head. Ana instantly open her eyes and saw the white ceiling, her mind begin to wonder where she is? Ana lift her right arm when she felt the pain from there, she had some bruises on her arms and there's an IV fluid inserted in her hand and that's where the pain came from. Her eyes wander around the room and she realized that she's in a hospital.

'What happened' Ana asked herself and before she can figure what is going on she heard a familiar voice.

"Ana, thank god." It was Josh, there's anxiousness plastered all over his face. He held her left hand and said. "I'm glad you're okay" 

"Where am i?" Ana asked "What happened?"

"You had an accident." Ely said.

Ana stared at Ely and she's quite confused when she turn her look at Josh and asked "Who is she?"

Josh is surprised and so does Ely; he wrinkled his forehead and said "Who's who?" Josh is also confused with Ana's question.

"Her" Ana points at Ely.

"That's Ely..." Josh answered "My wife."

Ana delivered a great shock, she look at Josh firmly and said "When did you get married?"

"What do you mean when did I get married?" Josh is now really confused he looked at his wife Ely. There's worried plastered all over his wife's face also.

"What is going on?" Ana started to quiver, she doesn't understand what is happening. She tried to gather her thoughts and memory of Josh's wedding but she can't find it. She doesn't remember that Josh is married to this Ely girl.

Before Josh can answer Ana Johnny came in. When he saw his wife is already awake he runs towards her. Johnny wrapped his arms around Ana. "I thought I will lose you my love." Johnny said as he caressed Ana's cheek.

Ana's confusion gets bigger, why is Johnny acting this way? Why is he almost in tears and why is he calling her 'my love'? Ana moves her head to look at Josh and called him. Josh responds, he walk towards Ana while Johnny is wondering what is going on.

From the way Ana reacts she doesn't seem to recognize him, his wife seems confused and not only that, Ana seems frightened. Johnny can't find the answer to the question why his wife is acting strange?

"What's going on?" Johnny asked both his brother Josh and his sister-in-law Ely.

Josh didn't answer, Ely motion Johnny that she need to talk to him. When Ely walks outside the room Johnny followed her.

"What is going on?" Johnny asked.

"I think Ana is suffering from the sickness called amnesia." Ely is not sure with her answer but she had a feeling that her conclusion is right gathering from Ana's reaction when Josh introduced her as his wife.

"Amnesia?" Johnny furrowed his eyebrows. "She recognized my brother, what kind of amnesia is that?" He can't hide the feeling of being jealous.

"I don't know maybe selective amnesia." Ely answered, she knows that what she's saying doesn't comfort Johnny but there is no other way to explain to his brother-in-law why Ana is acting strange. "Maybe we should call the doctor so he can diagnose your wife, this is hard you know. Making guesses at her condition."

Johnny agreed. Ely called Ana's doctor. When she came back at Ana's room her husband is still sitting beside Ana's bed holding her hand and Johnny is standing on the corner, looking at Ana and Josh.

Ely felt pity for Johnny, she herself felt saddened with Josh being at Ana's side holding her hand but she understands the situation. She knows that Ana and his husband are best friend and they're like brothers and sisters and if Ana is really suffering from what she thought she's suffering then Ana didn't remember that her best friend Josh is already married to her and she's the reason why did she and Josh end up together.

But Johnny doesn't seem to understand the situation; Ely can see the jealousy on Johnny's eyes. And Ely knew that in Johnny's mind he's saying to himself 'I should be the one holding your hand my love not my brother Josh.' Ely can't help but be worried. If her suspicion is correct that Ana have amnesia their world could collide with misery.

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