The Girl He Turned Into A Woman

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Johnny ignored Ana the whole day. When he's not needed he stayed on his trailer, Josh came over his trailer and he's persistent. Questions like "why do you buried yourself in here" and "how come you didn't check on me first before you check the crews."

But Johnny didn't give his younger brother any answer he simply said "Where where you when they teach the meaning of privacy?"

"I was absent maybe." Josh answered; he's teasing his older brother.

"Get out, I need my privacy." Johnny gave his brother his warning look.

"Alright" Josh gives up.

After his brother left, Johnny fell into deep thinking again. He can't ignore or avoid Ana forever. He needs to man up himself and talk to her.

'But what am I going to say' Johnny asks himself. 'How should I approach her?'

Johnny stands up and clears his throat. He pictured himself in front of Ana and said: "Hi, Ana...I don't remember what happen last night, care to enlighten me." Then he puts his famous grin. Then slowly his face turns sour. 'That is so lame' Johnny scolds himself afterwards.

In the end, Johnny decided to go home. He can't stay longer, seeing Ana is torture. At home he tried to think of something again. Sooner or later he needs to talk to Ana.

He went to sleep with generated plan on his mind.


Next day on the set

It's almost lunch, and Johnny never had his courage to approach Ana. Every time he tried to go near her, he had his second thoughts. When Ana went to her trailer he wanted to follow her, but he loose his courage and strength.

Ana might misinterpret if he followed her on her trailer, and being alone with Ana is not really a good idea. Then lunch came. Ana is standing on the buffet table; she's taking some time to choose what to eat for lunch.

She's alone already, Ely and Josh have their plates full and they both went to their table together. Kyle is waiting for them. Liza is nowhere, Johnny saw her a while ago and he's more uncomfortable with Liza's presence.

Liza works at a newspaper now, she writes some stuff about showbiz personalities. Liza had her big break when she wrote the article about Josh and Ana's break-up. That was a big scoop and Liza had the exclusive interview with the people involve.

And Johnny needs to be careful, if there is any way Liza sensed what happened between him and Ana, it will be a catastrophe.

News Flash: Ana Vender dating her ex boyfriend's brother.

Johnny shook his head rapidly, now his private life is into the verge of noise and disturbance of show business. But he needs to straighten things up with Ana. Once and for all he needs his peace of mind. Johnny took a deep breath and walks quickly towards Ana.

"Hey...Ana" Johnny waves his hand at her he smiled uncomfortably.

"Hey, Johnny what's up?" Ana smiled back at him and gave him a stare.

Johnny froze, that was the same smile and stare Ana gave at him yesterday morning. Johnny observe himself if that smile and those eyes will have the same affect. And to his dismay it does.

Johnny quickly took the paper plate and covers his front. He chuckles uncomfortably. He brushes his other hand on his hair then end up scratching his head. He didn't know what else to say.

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