Chapter 3: Paris, the City of Bones

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Ian's POV
Today was the annual Cahill Reunion. After the hunt, Natalie and I had gotten disowned, and had spent all of our money on- you guessed it, clothes. Amy and Dan had offered to let us stay at their mansion, which was how I had gotten to know Amy and Dan better.

" Hey Ian, Hamilton and Jonah are coming too. They're going to be listening to the 3rd episode of Amy's Diary Live. Madison and Reagan are coming later, after their track meet, and Ted and Ned are at the hospital for surgery. Again."

The doorbell rang as Dan ran down to answer the door. Five minutes later, we were crowded around Dan, who was reading the diary.

" Dear Diary,
I hate Paris. We had seen Irina and followed her to the Lucian Stronghold." I choked on this information. Everybody else looked impressed too, and Daniel's expression was smug. How did they get in?
"We then went to a graveyard and found a gravestone with our names on it, and next thing we know, we're about to get buried alive with the Holts. We got them to help us escape and ran away before they could attack us. We found a lead to the Catacombs underneath Paris, and were cornered by the Cobras." Everyone snickered at the mention of my nickname, and I scowled. Seriously? They still thought that it was funny, no matter how many times they used it? How boring there life must be, like listening to the same joke over and over again. Or reading a book over and over again.

" Just continue reading Daniel." I said. He shot me a glare but complied.

" We found out that we had to go to a church called ' Saint Pierre De Montmatre'. We found a parchment with written music on it, and a vial. Everybody else came though, with us in the thick of things. In the end, we found the clue, iron solute, and left with the parchment, but not the vial. The Cobras stole the vial in the end and left before we could get it back. Oh well. I still hate Paris. Next stop, Austria, to the home of Mozart."

" Done." Everybody else was eager for more, and after much pressuring, he read the third one.

" Dear Diary,
We went to Austria, but on the way there, the Holts jumped on our train and took our clue. Saladin ripped it up though, and we had both lost the lead. Luckily, Dan has a photographic memory, and copied the whole song. We searched up the song online, and found that it was the same, except for a small portion, which was very different from the rest of the song. When I played it at the hotel lobby, a woman told us that it was the song for an old song called, ' The Place I Was Born.' Which is in Salzburg."

I decided to leave for a bit to check on Amy, and was glad to see that she was still in the library. When she smiled at me, my heart pounded in my chest and I felt sort of nervous. My Lucian training kicked in and I smirked at her, before leaving. When I came back, Dan was finishing up the diary entry.

" I now hate Venice too. We found the clue, wolfram, but the next place is, Japan."

Dan grinned and said out loud to everybody, " We found a lead from there to: South Korea."

Cahill Apocalypse: Amy's Clue Hunt DiaryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant