Chapter 8

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"So let me get this straight. Kyle is going to be attending some school in California as a human to spy on some kid who happens to be the General's son and Zoey is out there destroying half this establishment out of anger because she can't go on this mission?"

I nodded. "Yup. That's about it."

Des whistled. "Good luck Dr. Jarson. Zoey seems pretty upset."

Dr. Jarson sighed. "Someone go get her before she kills one of my students."

Rob got up from his seat in Dr. Jarsons office. "I'll get her."

He left without waiting for a reply. I continued to lean on my seat, feet on the table in front of me. "So Dr. J, when do I go to this school."

Dr. Jarson looked at me, eye brows raised. "Tomorrow."

I sighed. "So I have one day to be myself before I go and lower my standards and pretend to be as useless as the humans."

Des chuckled. "I feel bad for you man. I can't imagine how horrible it is to live among them."

I glared at Des. "I'm not going to live there."

"But you'll be going to school with them."

"What can I say? I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good. I am such a good person."

Des rolled his eyes. "You're also very modest."

"I'm glad you noticed."

Before anyone could say anything, Zoey barged into the room followed closely by Rob.

"So have you all realized that Kyle will blow our one chance to find this secret place unless we go with him?" Zoey said, arms crossed while tapping her foot.

I chuckled. "You have so much faith in me."

"Dr. Jarson, I need to go with him." Zoey said, ignoring me.

"Awwwww Zo. I'll miss you too."

"Kyle stay out of it."

I raised my hands up, yawning. "I'm bored ok. I wanna go sleep or hack into some of your files and reread everything."

I looked at the outraged faces of my 'team mates' and continued. "The point is this argument is pointless. I'll go on my own and Zo you stay here."

"Why does he get to go and I don't?"

"I already told you, Zoey. You need to finish your education. You need to finish school." Dr. Jarson explained. "Kyle doesn't need to go to school or learn anything."

"Cause I'm the best." I added.

"I know enough! Haven't I proven myself over the years? I'm tired of doing absolutely nothing!" Zoey argued, her face flushed.

"That's not true, you always go on missions and save Zerians and collect information that proves to be useful." Dr. Jarson replied.

"That's not the point! This isn't even a difficult mission! How hard can it be to spy on some stupid human boy and get information from him?!" Zoey yelled.

Dr. Jarson gave Zoey a deadly look which made her shrink a little and shut her mouth. "Listen here. The generals son isn't like any other human. He was probably raised being aware of us. He was enrolled in the school in the middle of the year which means he was probably sent to do something. We need to find out what that something is as well as find out where the general is keeping his army and also the Zerians he has locked up."

"I say we bring the kid here and torture him into telling us." I said

I noticed Rob flinch and gave him a confused look. Why was he so sensitive? Especially towards them.

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