Chapter 17: Indescribable feelings

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~2 weeks later~

Harper’s POV


I HATE MY LIFE. JUST KIDDING IM ABOUT TO SEE MY LOVELY BOYFRIEND! i had just gotten off the plane and off the phone with Paul. Their concert is tomorrow night, and it’s 5 FREAKING AM IN DALLAS. I hate time differences.

Alina couldn’t handle her excitedness.  She hugged her luggage to her lean legs and smiled.

“I’m seeing my baby in less than 48 hours.” She gushed, cheeks like a chipmunk.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I dropped all my stuff.
“I KNOW. I’M LIKE HAVING HAPPY SEIZURES ON THE INSIDE.” We were trying to hail a cab, obviously not working.

“Hey! You’re Niall& Harry’s girlfriend right??” A beautiful dyed-redhead smiled.

“Yep!” Me and Alina yelled in unison.

“OMG!! I’m really inspired by y’all’s styles! Y’all are so cute!!” FINALLY SOMEONE WHO SAYS YALL.

“Aww, thanks!” I smiled.

“Can I have a picture with y’all???” She looked hopeful.

“Of course beautiful!” Alina winked.

We took our picture and she smiled and left.

Perfect timing for our cab to come.

Me and Alina got in, and we automatically told him the address to our hotel. We smiled and looked at our favorite Instagram One Direction update account.

“Aww H and Ni were golfing yesterday!” I showed Alina the glowing screen on my phone.

It was a picture of Niall and Harry with their golf clubs in the air at the same time. They were golfing off a beautiful cliff in Houston. They were there last night and I bet they’re resting up for tonights.

Alina pulled up a picture of Harry doing a model shot in front of a frozen yogurt machine. He was sideways and had one hand on his hip, one in the air and his left leg raised.

Alina smiled and looked down at her phone.

I showed her a video that Zayn texted me last night of Niall twerking. He texted along with it

“He’s imagining you’re behind him, aha. Love you and miss you xx”

God you have no Idea how much I miss those crazy boys.

We pulled into the driveway of the W hotel. It was literally beside the arena. We thanked the driver and paid him, obviously he didn’t want to be there. He grumbled a response.

After we checked in and got up the elevator, we were facing our door.


I winked at Alina and slid the key in, pushing the door open.

“SWEET” Alina started.

“BABY” I continued.

“JEEESSSUUUUUUUSSSSSS.” Alina had heart eyes.

 It was a living room, with purple walls. It had a huge plush black couch with purple pillows. The kitchen was all white and super modern. Then we shared one room with 2 beds. There was also two conjoining bathrooms.

We squealed like 7 year olds who get to get Starbucks. I picked up a note from the couch that read:

“Hello Beauties!! I hope y’all have a great stay. I recorded PLL and Duck Dynasty per Alina’s request…” I looked at Alina and she made an “Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaattt?” face.

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