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Water dragons are often mistaken for Blue dragons because of their close resemblance to each other.
Blue dragons are the close cousin to the Water dragon and have many similarities that make people mix them up.
They are blessed with the same abilities of the Blue dragons.They are able to dive to extreme depths of the ocean that no human could ever reach,are able to call forth sea creatures to their aid when fighting with an enemy and can also control the sea/ocean tides.
Water dragons can be very peaceful at times when they feel lazy or relaxed,however could be highly destructive.Water dragons can demolish fleets of ships and voyagers that travel with boats,leaving shipwrecks in their wake.
They would often take jewels,gold,pearls,gems and other riches to make their treasure hoed bigger.Sometimes they would venture off into another dragon's territory to steal their riches.They would fight to the death to take what isn't theirs.Decorating their sea caves with the riches they have stolen from ships or another dragon.
They like to make their homes either on a nice warm beach,island or in the ocean,rarely swamps.Usually in the ocean since they where made to maneuver in the water.Most Water dragons prefer salt water,but their some of them that like fresh water.
Food is plentiful where they live and don't have to venture far to find food.
The appearance of the Water dragon shows that they don't really have that many colors,since they blind in the ocean/sea waters.They very from light sky blue to a dark ocean blue(could be a different shades of brown when living in a swamp).They also have either sky blue or dark blue scales on their underbelly.With green-ish blue eyes.It really depends where live in the ocean.An example is like if a Water dragon lived in the certain zone where vampire squid or a lantern fish live,they would have dark blue scales,so they could blend in with the color of the water.
They also have big blue webbed wings,Fins running down their back and their tail ending with a big fin that heals them maneuver and do tricks in the water.
The Water dragon's diet consists of marine animals like bass,sharks,dolphins,salmons,
whales,squid,seagulls,pelicans,the acational human and so on and so forth.They like to drown their victims in salt water so it could a "salty taste" to them.They also like to combine two or more things to get a unique flavor when eating.An example is when a Water dragon has a shark and then finds a ship filled with humans,they would attack the ship and get a couple of humans.Then probably stuff the humans in the shark's mouth and eat them all at once.It seems a little weird,but don't judge them.They just like to always try something new.
When expecting or raising baby dragons,Water dragons would stay with their mate never leaving their side.They will protect their mate with their lives if anything try to harm them.
Water dragons have view enemies in the world.Their enemies consist of Ice dragons,Gold dragons and Bone dragons.Ice dragons would freeze their water and their food resources,forcing them to find a new home.Gold dragons would steel their riches,fighting to the death just to take it.Last but not least are Bone dragons.They don't poss a threat for Water dragons that live near the ocean,however Water dragons that live in the swamp have to put up with them.Bone dragons could take their soul and steal their bones as a prize if they win a fight with a Water dragon dragon(both being very enraged with each other),but it never really has to come to that.
Water dragons can be both peaceful and destructive when in certain things,but are usually peaceful unless provoked.

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