20. Knocked Out

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Me: I don't care what you are doing today but we need to repaint our room.

So my mum kicked some life into me last night so it's high time that I finally told Amber everything. I don't want to, but I know that I have to.

Amber: Just because I have the house to myself doesn't mean that I'm going to do anything constructive

Me: I'll be there at 7

Amber: That's too early

Me: Too bad

So today is the day that either my life gets ruined or might simply be the best day of my entire life.

Or second-most. I would have to say, the best day was meeting Amber for the first time.

Although, I'm more of a pessimist sometimes so I'm expecting the worst of this whole situation. Well at least she'll be home alone the whole day so maybe I'll achieve other things today as well.

For goodness sake you people, I don't want to have sex with her...yet. :) Bet you didn't see that one coming now did you.

So I packed some stuff and cycled to her house. It felt good being able to bend my knee properly again. I can finally cruise through the streets, with the wind in my hair and earphones blasting music that only I can understand. The good life.

For the first time in weeks, I actually knocked at her door and expected her to answer it. She opened the door and she was still dressed in her pj's and her hair looked really scruffy.

I leaned in for a hug and whispered: "You smell really bad." She hit me as I laughed at that her.

She headed straight for the stairs and me for the kitchen. I will admit that if I wasn't so preoccupied with sports and music, I'd become a chef.

"They don't feed you at home?" She asked halfway up the stairs.

"Actually, they don't feed you," I  congratulated myself by a celebratory whooping. It's clap back season.

I grabbed what I could from her kitchen and made a special breakfast that I sometimes made for my mum.  I got a tray and put everything on and went upstairs.

When I got to the door I shouted "Naked or not, I'm coming in."

I opened the door and nearly dropped the tray. When my eyes looked up Amber was just in her bra and underwear. My legs became spaghetti but I wasn't moving so my weakness wasn't evident. I mean Amber has seen me shirtless and shortless plenty of times. But at this very moment, my heart was skipping too many beats.

"Earth to Dimitri. You've never seen a girl in her underwear?"

You're not just any girl Amber.

"Uh, yeah but-" I hesitated.

"But?" She crossed her hands across her chest.

That's really not helping me at this point.

"I am not using this moment to compliment. It's just a trap to show that you are superior," I said with a smug look.

She walked closer to me and brought her face closer to mine. The distance between our lips was almost non-existent.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" She said, her lips barely brushing on mine. I looked down at her lips and I almost kissed her but Alex loves her too. I owe it to him to respect his girlfriend.

I grabbed a sausage from the plate and slipped it into my mouth.

I know what you thinking. 'Nice thinking Dimitri.' Said in an excruciatingly sarcastic voice.

She laughed at me and walked over to her closet. She picked out a really baggy grey vest and some tights to go along with then.

"So are you gonna remain at the door, or do I have to invite you in like you're some sort of a vampire?"

I looked down and noticed I had not moved at all. I lifted my foot and pretended that I was relieved that I could enter. I swallowed the sausage.

"Us vampires have it hard these days you know," I said as I walked and sat down next to her on the bed.

I let her eat her breakfast.

I began to move stuff around in her room and putting sheeting on the other things that were harder to move. Then I began to mix the paint. Let me put it this way. Amber eats really slowly. As in really really really slowly. My phone vibrated.

Natalie: You're older brother is really hot. What's his name you've never mentioned him to me before?

Me: Where did you see my brother? He looks nothing like me.

Natalie: He came to my house and told me he was your older brother.

I dropped my phone.

"Are you okay?" Asked Amber looking at me worriedly.

"Natalie says she's seen my older brother. I'm not ready to see my older brother," I stood up and began to pace around the room.

"Dimitri, calm down. What's the problem?" Amber asked.

"My brother is the problem. He...he.." I hesitated again.

"He what? You can tell me anything. You know that. What did he do-" she was interrupted.

The bell rang.

"I'll need to get the door, come with me."

She grabbed my hand and lead me out of her room. I was barely able to place one foot in front of the other. I felt nauseous, weak and dysfunctional.

"Come on big guy, you're tougher than this. She said putting her hand around my waist and kissed my cheek.

We walked downstairs slowly and the ringing continued. It felt like it was getting louder and more rapid, just like my heartbeat. Memories began to flood my head again. I felt really sick to my stomach.

We finally got to the door and she opened it. I took one glimpse at the familiar face and all I felt was the darkness of my past surround me. I hit the ground faster than I had expected and stopped breathing.

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