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178 Vallance Road, Bethnal Green, 1952. 

 It was suffocating to be constantly surrounded by people you knew, whether it be family or friends. Residing in Bethnal Green were the Kray family. Violet and Charles (Charlie) Kray had three children in total, a set of twins, Ronald and Reginald and an elder boy named Charlie, after his father. Their family was complete with Aunt Rose & Mae living either side of the family home in Vallance road, Violet's brother Jimmy kipping on the sofa in the living room & Granddad Jimmy "Cannonball" Lee , Grandma Lee and their son John and his wife living across the road in their cafe. Two doors down from them were a family of three with a daughter named Y/N. No blood relation was needed for them to act or become like family, they were and always had been close - since day one.

"Mind yourself, my darling." Violet cooed, pushing her son gently forward as she wandered past him to fix the mirror on the wall as she proudly cleaned her home as usual. Reggie stood in the middle of the living room in his shorts, along with his twin as they practiced their boxing. Both twins were on the path to become professional boxers, they were good at it and it kept them out of trouble for the time being. "Go on, hit 'im! Right in the eye!" Encouraged their grandfather, who was quickly silenced by a glare from Violet. It was busy as usual in their household, the twins shouting and playfully knocking each other when their mother wasn't looking. "Oh, get that for me, please, one of you." Violet cooed to the twins, lightly touching Reggie upon the shoulder as a quiet knocking resonated against their front door. "Alright." Came his grumbled reply as he shot a look to his twin before disappearing out into the hallway. 

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