The Dolan Twins have always been known for screwing girls over. They think its a fun idea to take turns dating the insanely hot r&b singer sensation, Tatiana Slayer. They're twins so how could she tell the difference? Little do they know that Tatian...
"I know, yo. This album is everything I've ever wanted it to be." I replied proudly, swinging my legs up as I layed upside down on Grayson's bed talking to Emily on FaceTime.
"The internet is going crazyover your new album." She gushed. "I am so proud of you."
I blushed. "Which song is your favorite?"
"Shhh! Don'twakemyparentsup!" I joked. "Aren't your parents in Miami?" "Exactly. The entire Atlantic Coast can hear you singing... Or whatever that was."
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We laughed. "I so cansing, you're just jealous." "Oh yaaas, you are soright. I wish I could sing like you."
"Of course you do." "But I mean, if I did I don't think anybody would buy my music anymore."
She cackled. "Bitch." "Love you, hoe. I gotta go though."
We hung up then I headed downstairs to find Grayson. I had some awesome news I had to share with him.
I looked up from my phone and peeped Tatiana scurrying downstairs as I walked passed. She grinned a bright, adorable Tatiana Slayer Smile and approached me. "Hi baby!"
I flashed a grin right back. "Hey." Then pulled her into a peck on the lips.
"Yo, the album is a hit!" I exclaimed. "I know right, I'm so excited! You know Ryan Seacrest called me for interview?"
"That's awesome." "Yeah, but this time he wants bothof us!" My jaw dropped. "No way." "Yaas!" "I'mgonnabeinmyfirstinterview!!" I cheered, and gave her a tight squeeze.
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