Chapter 17: Spotting The Other Twin

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The night of the Grammy's

I felt my bra, then looked all around. "Hey, where did my favorite matching purple Victoria Secret underwear go?"

I watched Grayson slip on his black and blue plaid boxers one leg at a time, then he looked up. "Hey don't look at me."

"Did I leave them in your bed at your house after we had sex?"

"That makes no sense, how could you leave the panties but not the bra?"

"I don't know, maybe we were drunk."

He laughed a bit. "You're dumb."

I searched around the house a bit then, came back to the room waving my purple lacy underwear around. "Found it." "Congrats."

"I found it in the laundry room. Were we fucking there?"

"We fucked in like every room in this entire house. Haha, you know that, don't play dumb."

I ignored him and slipped on the panties, then opened my closet. I eyed the outfit Gray wanted me to wear.

"It was a front short, back long Prada dress with black and white V'd stripes "Are we still matching?" I asked.

"Of course. We need to win best dressed on the red carpet. And this is the perfect way." He assured.

Grayson's POV:

I was so grateful that Ethan was out of the picture, so I could use Tatiana for myself now.

And this was just step one of my Grammy's plan.

Step two: making myself look good in our interviews.

As we arrived step by step on the red carpet, chatter erupted, cameras flashed, and people were staring.

I loved it.

I've been waiting so long for this moment.

I put my hand around her waist and did so many cute poses with Tatiana to show off.

A cardle position, kissing, hugging, cuddling, and I even grabbed her butt, but she didn't like that one very much.

She moved my hand away. "Nigga, chill. Not cool. Not on the red carpet." She scolded, quietly.

I smirked, then grabbed it again, clearly not caring.

She flashed me an irritated look for a quick second. But, she tried to keep her chill because we were in front of dozens of cameras.

After they signaled us that it was okay for us to step off we did. Then, she turned to me and gave me a dirty look.

"What?" I chuckled. She just walked in front of me. "I have to go preform now." "Okay good luck, sweet bottom." I smacked it again.

"I swear to God, Gray." Tt muttered through her teeth.


Ethan's POV:

I watched with the crowd as Tatiana preformed Different Kind of Love. Being outside really brought out her vocals. She sounded almost as beautiful as she looked.

I narrowed my eyes over to Grayson who was snapping himself during her performance.

He was lip syncing and just trying to look cool for the camera. He was so arrogant.

I cleaned up really nicely for the Grammy's. I wore a white, long sleeved shirt with a black vest and tie. Along with long white pants and my hair slicked back.

Although, I tried to stay hidden because I knew that Grayson would freak out if he saw me at the same place as him and Tt.

I turned to Aaron and Cam. "Yo, isn't she incredible?" They nodded in agreement.

Tatiana locked eyes with me as she sang the verse

Please don't pester
Just hold his hand
And he'll tell you
Everything's gonna be

My heart raced and butterflies came, because I knew I couldn't be seen by her, but at the same time I didn't care.

She grinned, warmly at me obviously thinking I was Gray. I smiled back, widely. Then she gave me a funny look. She looked a bit confused. Then she turned away.

Woah, that was weird. Is my cover blown?

Tatiana's POV:

Everyone applauded after I finished my performance. I grinned brightly in accomplishment, because I was super nervous before.

Suddenly, images of Grayson flashed back and forth in my head. Then, he approached me cheesing, hard.

I swear he was wearing a different outfit when I looked out in the crowd. And hair.

I looked all around suspiciously, until Gray grabbed me into a tight squeeze.

"Babygirl, I am so proud of you."

"Thanks." I hugged him back then quickly released and looked at him up and down.

"Hey... Did you just switch outfits?"

"Huh?" He made a confused expression.

"Because I swear, when I looked out in the audience I saw you... But your hair was slicked back... And you were wearing a different outfit."

I don't know... Maybe it was just my imagination.

Grayson's POV:

I gave her a funny look, but then I quickly caught on. My heart raced with anger.

I smell a sneaky Ethan.

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