Chapter 4.

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Louis' POV (Again I'm sorry!)

Zayn and I walk down to the cafeteria and join the line for lunch. I get a sandwich, a packet of crisps and an apple while Zayn gets a small bowl of pasta. We pay and Zayn leads me to a table with to boys on. One of the boys I recognise.


Zayn sitting down and sit next to him.

"Hi Louis!" Niall waves then stuffing some food in his mouth.

"Hi Niall." I wave back.

"You know him?" Zayn asks.

I go to answer but Niall beats me to it "He's my English buddy!"

"Oh alright!" Zayn says.

"And that's Liam!" Zayn says pointing to the other boy with chocolate brown eyes and a small dirty blonde quiff. "And that's Louis!" Zayn points to me.

"Hi!" Liam smiles.

"Hey!" I smile back shyly.

"Oh and Louis wants to check the Library after this!" Zayn announces.

"Yeah sure!" Liam says. Niall nods.

*Finished eating*

The three boys lead me to the Library right near the front of the school.

I pick up the pace as soon as I see it. I pull open the door and walk in, looking around in awe.

Books are everywhere! As well as computers, T.V.'s, some people, bean bags, sofas, DVD's, a printer, chairs and tables.

I smile.

"Hey miss!" Liam says as the Librarian walks out of the door.

"Hi Liam, Niall, Zayn and...." She greets.

"Louis," I finish for her. Of course she won't know my name just yet.

"Thank you, Louis," She smiles and takes a seat at her desk.

I look around and sit at a table. I pull out some stuff from my bag and think of what to do.

Zayn sits down and starts drawing. Liam sits down and finishes his homework. Niall goes on his phone. I get up and look for a book to read, sadly I didn't find any.

I turn to go back to my seat but I accidentally run into someone.

"Opps!" He says.

"Hi!" I say.

"H-Hi," He stutters.

"Are you okay?" I ask picking up his glasses and mine.

"Kinda," He frowns slightly. I put on my glasses and hand him his ones. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'm sorry for running into you." I apologise.

"N-no. It's my-y fault! I should of seen you," He insists. I shake my head from side to side.

"I'm Louis by the way," I greet standing up. I swear he muttered a 'I know' but I ignored it.

"M-Marcel," He slightly smiles.

I pull him up on to his feet and pick up the book he dropped.

"Care to join me and my friends?" I ask gesturing towards tthe table they where at, while giving him the book.

"N-no. It's okay-y. I better be-e going!" He mumbles.

"Okay. Bye, see you around!" I wave with a smile.

"B-bye Louis," He waves and leaves the Library.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask sitting down.

"He was probably scared," Liam says not looking away from his homework.

"Why?" I ask.

"No one one speaks to him unless it's an insult." Niall answers.

"Why? He seems nice!" I say.

"He's a nerd Louis." Zayn says.

"And what makes him a nerd?" I question, narrowing my eyes.

"Glasses, reading, always does homework, really good at school, always well behaved, never miss a day of school, weird clothes. You get my point," Zayn says.

"So I'm a nerd then?" I ask.

"No," Zayn says drawing again.

"Well I wear glasses, I read a lot, I always do my homework, I'm really good at school, I'm always well behaved I never miss a day of school and I wear kinda weird clothes." I snap.

"How do your wear weird clothes?" Niall asks.

"What kind of boy wears cardigans?" I ask as I stand up.

"You?" Liam says.

"Exactly. The new boy what's a nerd." I snap and put my stuff in ny bag.

"Louis!" All three boys call after me.

"Save it!" I say and walk out of the Library.

I spot Marcel in the distance.

"Hey! Marcel wait up!" I call after him.

He stops and turns around to face me.

I catch up and place a hand on his shoulder, trying get back my breath.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I want to hang around with you." I say between breaths.

I stand up straighter once I caught my breath back.

"Really?" He asks. I nod.

"What do you have next?" I ask him.

"Drama." He answers.

"Yay! Me too. We can be partners!" I smile.

"Y-you want me to be-e your partner?" He squeaks.

"Yeah," I smile.

"Why?" He questions.

"Cause I want us to be friends," I answer.

"But. Bu-" I cut him off by answering

"I don't care if I get bullied. I just want a true friend,"

"What happened with Zayn, Niall and Liam?" Marcel questions.

"They weren't nice!" I say in a kids voice.

"Why? What did they say?" He asks.

So I explain the whole story of what went on.

"Oh." He says with a slight smile. "Why did you stand up for me?"

"Because I think we have some stuff in common." I say and I drag him towards drama. "Bells gonna go!"

(Bell rings)

"So we're partners right?" He asks.

I nod. "Defiantly!"

When two nerds meet. (Larry Stylinson) AU (Boyxboy) Needs editingWhere stories live. Discover now