Chapter One

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I awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked. I rolled out of bed. I quickly got dressed without dawdling and skipped downstairs. I rounded the corner of the stairs and entered the kitchen. The scent of bacon and eggs lingered in the air and I took a giant whiff, taking it all in. My mom smile at me. I took a moment to take in everything. My dad was sitting at our square cherrywood dining table. He was reading the newspaper, as always and sipping on his morning cup of coffee. My attention turned to my little sister who was texting. She was also sitting at the table. She was texting. She used her phone more than I did and I was almost 17. I sighed and finally turned to my mom. She was standing by the stove cracking an egg into a frying pan. I immediately started sizzling and I laughed as my mom jumped back. She glared at me and went back to attending to the food. I went down to sit next to my dad, across from my sister.

"Hey Lisa, put your phone down." I joked. "You have your face glued to that thing. Is it your boyfriend?" I teased her.

"No it's yours." She looked at me and stuck her tongue out.

"Enough you two!" My dad butted in before I could argue back.

For a 13 year old girl, she can be a brat. I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone. I opened up my messages and started to text my friend Alex but was interrupted when I received a message from Kyle, my boyfriend. A grin crept onto my face when I read the message.

Hey beautiful ❤️, don't know if you are awake yet but if you are, good morning ❤️.

I quickly typed back. I am up! You always make my mornings! ❤️

I try. Did I wake you?

No of course not.

Oh good. Do you know what tomorrow is?

Of course. It's our two year anniversary. To bad we have to spend it at school 😒.

That's ok, as long as I get to spend it with you 😘.

Awe, that's sweet. I gtg, breakfast. I locked my phone before I could see what he was it going to say. I wish tomorrow wasn't Monday. Oh well, just a few more months and then summer break! My mom set a plate down in front of me. I dug in immediately.

After breakfast was finished I went upstairs and fell down on my bed. I got a text from Alex asking me if I wanted to hang out. I made up the excuse that I had homework. It seemed to get her off my back. I took out a scarp book I had with some photographs I had taken. They ranged from ones with my friends and I, to Kyle and I, to photographs that I had taken of scenery or nature. I flipped through the photos occasionally
reminiscing about the memory behind them.

I spent the next hour going through the photo album, before putting it away. It was always fun for me to go back to my past. It reminded me of how I became who I was. I put the book back from where I got it. I glanced at the clock. It was only 11:00am. I grunted. What am I going to do for the rest of the day. I still have so much time. I decided to text Alex to see if she was still free to hand out. I told her to come to my place because I had some place planned where we could go.

She showed up at my place 10 minutes later and then we left.

"Where are we going?" She asked for like 8th time. I didn't expect her to remember. It's had been years since we visited the place. I was taking her to the spot where we first met. It was a small pond in the middle of nowhere.

We approached the pond 20 minutes later. As we walked up to it, realization struck her. "OMG, how did I not realize. Oh my gosh, we haven't been here in forever."

"Yes that's what I thought, it's been years. Close to 6, I think." We both laughed. "Yea, this is where I saved you from drowning in kindergarten, remember?"

"Wait, wait, wait. That's not how I remember it happening!" Alex exclaimed.

"Well that's how it happened." I retorted. "Check your memories man."

We both giggled. I sat down near the edge of the pond. She followed. We both laid there staring up at the clouds, trying to find shapes or animals. It was so nice and peaceful. We spent hours there, just talking.


I dragged myself through the front door of my house. All the lights were off. It was around 11pm. My parents would kill me if they found out I was up this late, hanging out with friends. I kinda figured they already knew, but I didn't think much of it. I tip toed up to my bedroom without making any noise or turning on any lights. As soon as I got to my room, I flopped down on the bed. It was so nice to be back home after today. My eyes started to get heavy but I forced myself up. I silently slinked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I pulled my hair back into a loose pony tail so that it wouldn't bother me. I walked back into my bedroom and sat down at my desk. I logged onto my computer for a quick second and launched Twitter. Just got home from hanging out with my bestie. One of the coolest days I've had in a while. I pressed post and logged off. I didn't want to stay up too late considering I still had school in the morning. It was kind of to late for that though considering it was almost midnight. I got on my pajamas and crawled into bed. I placed my head on my pillow and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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