"Hey taco can I have your sombrero?"

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Stranger POV

She was beautiful. Gorgeous. Breath taking. Shit, I sound whipped, but she was worth it. I didn't know anything about her, yet she felt like I belonged with her (I know this sounds cheezier than cheese balls with cheese melted on them).

I couldn't snap out of my trance. Then she froze. Her eyes widened and she blinked a few times before saying, "It's you isn't it."

"What?" I asked confused.

She snapped out of trance and regained composure.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She stuttered.

"You already said that." I said, smirking. I can't seem whipped, I'm the cockiest, sexiest man alive.

"Really? I say something twice and you bag on it? You're a cocky stranger."

"Names Carter Rhodes, as in THE Carter Rhodes." I smirked cockily and she glared at me.

"It's a displeasure meeting you." She said, the fakest smile on her face.


I put my hand over my heart and pouted, "That hurts right here." I said, patting my chest.

She started walking away and a searing pain ripped my heart in half. What the fuck is wrong with me. I didn't follow her, that would be weird. I had a strong urge to follow her though.

Avery's POV 🐾

Pain stabbed my chest. Why the fuck am I walking away from my mate. Oh yeah! It's because he's an adorable, sexy, cocky, asshole!

I know I hurt him by walking away, I felt his pain as well. He obviously feels the connection.

I can't think of why he's human either. My father's an alpha and I am his only child. The fact that I'm obviously a girl, my mate has to be the alpha. A human cannot take place as the future alpha. Oh well, I'll figure that out later.

I walked over to the bar, frustrated at the fact that I can't numb myself out with drinks. I'm still going to drink, though.

I smelled a wolf, it was the bartender. I walked over and ordered a Jack Daniels shot. He sniffed the air, noticing I'm a wolf, and he smirked at me.

He turned around and prepared the drink. I noticed his hand slipped in and out of his pocket at one point, but I brushed it off and thought nothing of it.

I downed the drink as soon as he put it in front of me and ordered six more.

I downed those too and felt tipsy after the second one. By the end of the sixth, I was swaying on my feet.

What the hell was in there? I NEVER get drunk off of this shit. Oh well, I wanted a buzz didn't I?

I felt the urge to dance. I walked over to the dance floor and started doing the chicken dance. This is sooooooo fun. Haha. The bartender doubled over in laughter.

Why is he laughing? Oh well.

I went up to some random guy wearing a sombrero. "Hey taco, can I have your sombrero?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "You can't have my sombrero, and my names not taco. It's Jackson."

I pretended to walk away and walked around him, grabbing the sombrero and bolting to the girl's bathroom, almost tripping and falling on my face seven times.

I looked at myself in the mirror and grinned, placing the sombrero on my head.

I took out my eyeliner and drew on a mustache.

"You are ready to exit and face your crime, Avery." I said to my reflection, rolling my r's.

"Adios!" I said, running out of the bathroom.

I ran through the crowd, screaming "Arrriba!

I got crazy stares and amused glances as tripped and fell on my butt. I sat there and crawled into a corner. I needed to sober up.

I walked over to the bartender and pulled him down by his collar. I did the thing with my eyes that makes them shine gold, displaying that I'm of the alpha family blood line. He looked like he was shitting bricks. Pussy.

"Fix me. Now!" He flinched when I raised my voice. I'm surprised he took me seriously with a mustache and sombrero on. Then again, I am the only daughter of the most powerful alpha in the world.

He stumbled and pulled out a small glass bottle. Rage boiled in me. Was he kidding?

"I know that's fucking wolfs bane you dumb ass I said fix me!"

"Wolfs bane sobers you up when your on Enhancement but you only need one drop of it for it to sober you up and not hurt you."

"What the fuck is Enhancement?"

"W- Werewolf drug", he stuttered.

"Try that shit on any other wolf and I'll feed your balls to yourself."

He gave me the wolfs bane and I put a drop on my tongue. That shit tastes like shit.

"Give me all of it. The wolfs bane too."



He flinched and handed me a small plastic bag filled with little red pills and two small glass bottles of wolfs bane.

I stuffed them in my purse and began to walk away, wiping my mustache off when I crashed into a hard chest.

My mates chest.

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