Chapter 3

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"What did he said to you?!" Jessica ask me.

"He just wanted to say "sorry" to me." I said trying to find the keys to my dads car.

"And what did you said?" She asked.

"I said that I was also sorry." I told her finally taking the keys out of my bag.

She just nodded her head and when I looked at her, her eyes were wide open. "What?!" I asked her.

"He's walking over here." She said pointing to his direction. I looked back and saw him. Then I looked back at Jessica.

"Maybe he's walking over here because his car is parked right next to my dads car, I don't know think about it." I said laughing at her.

"Oh now that makes sense." She said laughing and opening the door of the car and getting in. I was shaking my head.

"Hey Allison?" someone said behind me and I instantly knew who it was. I turned around.


"Drive carefully." He said looking at me.

"I will thanks, you too." I smiled at him and got in the car and started to drive away. I knew deep down that he wasn't going to let me go that easily, I'm kind of scare that he will show up at my house and do something to me. I decided to put those thoughts in the back of my head. The ride to my house from the school wasn't that long. When we got to my house (there will be a picture of the house on top), I parked the car in the garage and saw that there was an escalade parked in front of the house.

"Who's car is that?" I asked my self, while I was getting out of the car.

"Who's car is that?" Jessica asked. I instantly started laughing because she asked the same question that I asked myself seconds ago.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Jessica ask me.

"Because when we pulled into the house, I asked myself the same question. And I don't know who's car is that, we will have to go inside and find out." I said locking the car.

"Oh okay, and yeah I think we should go and find out." She said walking towards the door.

Once we entered the house, There no noise. Everything was silent, which it was very weird to come home and hear no noise. We walk to the kitchen to find my brother with his phone and with headphones on. I walked out of the kitchen and started to walk towards my dads office. I heard people whispering/yelling inside. I decided to knock on the door, and once I did that everything was silent again.

"Come in." I heard my dad said in a low voice.

I open the door, and saw my dad and someone standing in front of his desk. That person turned around and I realized it was Alex Rodriguez. My jaw dropped, one of my favorite baseball player was standing in front of me. I know what are you think "but you are a girl!" But hey guess what I am allow to like baseball. There is nothing weird about that.

"Oh um...." I said walking towards Alex Rodriguez. "Hey! I'm Allison." I said extending my hand.

"Hey Allison, I'm Alex" he said shaking my hand with his.

"Oh I know who you are!" I said a little to excited. He laugh.

"Um dad I came to ask you something, but I'll ask you later." I said walking to him and giving him a hug. I heard Alex cough and I turned around with a confused face.

"Yeah Al, come back when Alex leaves." Dad said letting go of me. But something about that hug was weird. It felt like he didn't want to let go of me.

"Okay dad, Bye Alex it was so nice meeting you." I said walking towards him. Handing him my hand so he can shake it but he went for a hug, which caught me by surprise. I hugged him back. I was so confused at that moment. He pulled away and smile at me.

"Same here Allison, it was very nice meeting you." He said still smiling. I nodded my head and gave him a smile.

I walked out of my dads office and went back to the kitchen only to find Jessica eating a cupcake I baked last night. I was laughing at her because every time she comes to my house I either find her in the kitchen eating or in the living room watching tv.

"What?!" She asked me taking another cupcake.

"Nothing. Let's go to my room to talk about what are we going to do for my birthday." I said taking my bag from the floor.

"Okay!!" She said taking a water bottle and walking towards me. Once we reach the stairs ready to go up to my room, Jessica stop walking and was just staring at someone or something, I turned around and saw that she was staring at Alex Rodriguez. Well as you might of guess Jessica also loves baseball and Alex Rodriguez is also her favorite baseball player.

"OMG! ARE YOU ALEX RODRIGUEZ?!" Jessica yelled.

"Yes, yes I am." He said laughing.

"OMG I'm such a big fan of you." She said jumping up and down, and smiling.

"Yeah, I can see that." He said still laughing.

"I can't believe he standing in front of me." She said looking at me and freaking out.

"Oh it's okay, you guys are going to see me a lot from now on." He said looking at both of us and then at my dad.

"Um what do you mean we will be seeing you a lot more after today?" I asked him with a confused face.

"Oh well me and your dad are going to work on a project together, so I'll be coming to your house more often, Right Albert?"He said looking at my dad.

"Oh um Yes, yes Alex and I will be working on something that's why he will be coming more often." My dad said nodding his head.

"Oooh okay, well that makes sense." I said laughing.

"Well Jessica and I will go to my room dad is you need anything."I said pulling Jessica up the stairs.

"Wait Al, didn't you have to ask me about something?" My dad asked me.

"Oh yeah, I'll tell you later when I finish planing it and when I finish my homework." I said when we got to the top of the stairs and turning around.

"Okay Al, I'll be in my office then." He said to me.

There was something weird with my dad it was as if he was scared, and what was really really weird was Alex Rodriguez at my house.


3 hours had passed since Jessica and I came up to my room to do homework and to plan my 17th birthday party, we had finish the planing and now we were doing homework. While Jessica was doing hers on a pink couch that was in front of my window, I was on my bed surrounded with books, notebooks and papers. I could concentrate on my homework the only thing on my mind was why was Alex Rodriguez at my house?!.......

So this is the end of chapter 3 yay!! Please let me know what you think about it if you like it or not. And please, please VOTE!!💕💕 Also the picture that I'm going to be putting here are not mine I just screenshot them from my ig or from google images.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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