I'm Drew Tilanus Dirksen

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It all started on a Tuesday,to be specific,the first Tuesday of September.Hey,I'm Drew Tilanus Dirksen,just call me Drew.I'm a Weightless Wreck.


My heart hammering wildly against my chest,I sat upright straight at six in the morning,mainly because it's actually my first day of school-I'm certain,It's my big day.Actually,I've been homeschooled my entire life,but I'm not the kind of homeschooled guys with middle-aged haircut.

I quickly played the song 'Weightless' from my favorite band,All Time Low on my iPad,

Manage me,I'm a mess
Turn the page,I'm a book,half unread
I wanna be....

I paused the music as I heard my mum knocking outside.

"Come on in."I said loud enough for her to hear.

The door creaked open,revealing my tired looking mum.

"Good morning sunshine!Are you excited to your first day of school?I'm sure you're gonna love it."She exclaimed,although she could not hide the tiredness of her groggy voice.

"I'm nervous actually."I replied,sighing.

"Don't be!Highschool is the best of all!"She said,smiling genuinely.

"I guess so,"I replied standing up.

"Okay,um be ready or you're going to be late on your special day?"She said one last time,scurring past me and out of my room.

Since the school don't have uniforms,we are allowed to wear what we want.I pull out my closet and grab my Fall Out Boy band shirt,my black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of white vans.I put them on my bed,as I grab my towel on the deck just after my bathroom.


As I made my way downstairs to the dining table,Lilly slurred to me,wigging it's tail playfully,signalling me to tickle her belly.

"I'm sorry Lils but now is not the time."I said,petting her head instead.She let out a small grunt.

"I promise,when I get back home later."I smiled at the Springer Spaniel dog,waiting curiously at me.

Ignoring her,I finished my way to the dining table,to where my utter surprise,my two other cousins and my niece where already eating their breakfast.

"Hey,good morning uncle Drew."Said Selena,my niece,greeted me with a cute smile.

I smiled too.''Good morning too,Selena''I replied as I sat down on the usual spot they always left for me.

She smiled again,seeming to be satisfied that her favorite uncle,where only I am her only uncle,greeted her a 'good morning.'

''Hey Drew,are you excited on your first day?"Said Taylor,my oldest cousin,who was now in College,asked me.

"Not really.I think no one would even talk to me."I replied,and made a face.

"I'm sure all the girls there will like you!Look at my handsome cousin!"She said,earning a few laughs from Selena and Toby.

"Yeah,Aunt Taylor is right!"Selena exclaimed with her mouth full of cheerios.

"Aww.Don't talk when your mouth is full."I warned her.

"Sorry."Selena muttered under her breath.

"Drew.."Toby said,unalarmingly nervous at me.

"Hey,what's up man?"I asked.

"Could you come at my school on Saturday?"He asked.

"Yeah.Sure.Why?"I said,putting nutella on my toast.

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