Chapter 20

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A/N: Vote and Comment! It's raining!!! I'm in a superb mood to write, so let's see how this turns out.



     Waking up with a blaring head ache he threw off the covers of him. The day still seemed bleak. He groaned as another pang of headache hit him as he stood up. His vision blurred. But he caught red. Panicked he looked at his tunic which was covered in dried blood.

   He lifted his tunic to examine himself. He seemed fine. Then whose blood was this? He wondered.

He stepped out of his chambers after a warm bath and donning fresh clothes. Omar stood waiting for him outside. Habitually, his legs moved towards the court.

"Morning, your highness! Ruh Begum's condition improved overnight. The doctors have assured she will regain conscious soon..."

"What?" He stopped in his tracks.

"I...Ruh Begum? She is stable now?"

"Did something happen to her?" He asked shocked.

"You don't remember." Omar said. It wasn't a question. It was a statement. A degrading statement at that.

He took harsh steps towards her chambers. As he entered he saw a bunch of familiar faces, his mother, Ada. Nadiya came running towards him. Her eyes were red and puffy. At once she hugged him, sobbing, wetting his tunic in the process. His eyes fell on the bed. On the bed was her frail body, her eyelids shut, her lips were dried and cracked.

He pusher her away slightly and moved towards the side of the bed. The doctor nodded at him. "She will regain conscious soon, your majesty!" He nodded again.

"Your majesty? May I talk to you for a minute, alone?" Ada whispered to him and dragged him to the adjoining chamber.

"Why are you even here?" She started. "You're the reason why she almost died! And you come now? You don't remember a thing, do you? How blind can you be? Are you really oblivious or are you purposely giving her false expectations like you did to me?"

"I am not giving her false expectations!" He raised his voice.

"You're not? Then why? Why do you keep pulling and pushing her? She's been stressed the day Nadiya entered the palace... She doesn't have any right over you! That Nadiya! Why did you even marry her, if you couldn't fulfil her basic expectations?" She took a deep breath. "Can't answer, can you?"

True, he didn't know what to say to her. "Don't do this, Jellal. Don't. It pains a lot. And she didn't ask for it. You love Nadiya? Fine! Be happy with her. Be happy with just her. Don't juggle between them. Three of you will get hurt this way... That's all I had to say..."

She left after saying that leaving him in deep thoughts.



    "What?" Ruh asked Ada. Her body was still sore. It had been two days and everyone she knew from the palace visited her except him.

"Don't keep looking at the doorway. He won't come."

Ruh pouted. "How do you know? He might just be busy..."

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