Chapter 11

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"Did you hear? Ruh begum?" Ada begum said running towards me frantically. Her hair was messed. It wasn't in Ada's character at all to run around in a frenzy. From all that I have noticed, Ada begum knew how to keep it up at all times. She was a proud woman and was not afraid to show it.

"What is the matter, Ada begum?" I asked her still circling the tulsi vrindavan, it was part of my evening prayers.

"Nadiya is back." She said huffing out a breath.

"I know about it, Ada begum. Please, have a seat",I said motioning to the furniture placed on my own personal courtyard.

Then I requested a servant to bring us sweet tea. Ada begum waited for the maid to leave and spoke again,

"You know what this means, don't you?"

"I know. Living in his majesty's shadows for my entire life."

"I know Ruh begum and I sympathise with you. It is not that he feels completely nothing for you. I've never seen Jellal show affection to anyone other than our daughter."

I sighed. When the servant came in with the silver platter, I dismissed her. "I don't know, Ada begum. But I do want to know what is special about Nadiya? Tell me."

She slumped down, her shoulders drooping. "Jealousy is a horrible thing Ruh Begum. I was young and naïve and did some things that affected both Jellal and Nadiya. I'm the reason why we're in this situation."

"Still, you have the right to know so here it is,

It was a decade back. I was just a merchant's daughter yet rich. And Jellal was the next in line for the throne even when Salim was older. Jellal was everything a sixteen year old teen could imagine. He was brave, wise, kind.

And Nadiya? She was like him too. She was double the things that Jellal was even when she was a year younger to him.

But unfortunately Nadiya was a concubine. With her immediate family all eliminated, she came here to the capital to stay with her aunt Sara.

Sara was the mistress of the emperor, Jellal's father. The concubine's liar was hip and running at that time. Now it's just dried out. Yes, Sara was her care taker but she pushed Nadiya into the business too.

I've heard,

One evening Jellal visited the lair for a dance performance and Nadiya was the one presenting him the dance. She was veiled during the dance and when she fell and her veil fell, it took just one glance for Jellal to instantly fall in love with her.

She was beautiful as the moon. Something sparked between them even when he was just seventeen and she was just sixteen.

But there was this dark blotch in the whole story, Salim. Salim was jealous of Jellal in all ways. Salim was the example of a brat, a spoiled royal, he spent all his time drinking and philandering with women.

And his dark gaze found Nadiya too. Her beauty was very attractive. While it attracted diamonds like Jellal it also attracted filth like Salim. He wanted to attain her, ravish her.

Somehow Jellal came to know of this and he made Nadiya his mistress so no one could touch her.

This is where I come in, I was just a merchant's daughter engaged to Jellal. The lustre and glamour of royalty had me so blinded. I lived in The Desert Lands but once I knew he has taken a mistress, I rushed here.

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