make love to my soul

18 1 0

The sheets unwrapped lie between my thighs, the scented clothes feel heavy on the floor. You've managed to please my body, my breathlessness stands witness to it.

But how do you undress my soul darling? How do you make love to 'me'?

How easily you peruse the scars on my skin but the sound of my moans in my ears seem shallow.
I want to hear my soul reverberate,
as your words slowly infuse into my blood.
I want to feel it traverse in my veins; unraveling,
and quenching the fire set to my wooden heart.
I want to cry in pleasure,
to feel too large to be in this vessel.
I want my intricacies to make sense,
I want my thoughts to be finally at rest.

If only you could make my soul feel the same,
If only I could allow you to do that.

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