Note Book thief

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This is Todd the person that this poem was written in to fit the way he sees the world.

The homework was simply
But why can't I think
Neil comes in happy
Tells me about a play
He wants to act
Wants to perform
He wants to be on stage

Why is it so hard
Why can't I be free
Why is Neil so carefree
Why can't I speak with confidence

I tell him adopt his father
He tells me not to say a word
That won't be hard
I barely speak at all

I have to write
Something of my own
I have to create a poem
I am trying
But my hand won't move

Neil took my book
Starting to run around the small room
Jumping, laughing, I followed him
I was free
As free as I can be
With the fear following me

What you think? This is a poem based on the Dead Poets Society.

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