Chapter 2

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Justin's POV :

OH MY LIFE I shout! The demons are here to take her! I need to stop them quick ! My eyes turn purple and my fangs start to grow , I grab the demon and strangle it! It's too strong, it's like a ghost! This cannot be happening. My life was amazing since I found that note ! I need to stop them demons. I feel anxious and mad ! The Demons are running away ! They leave my precious Emily on the red carpet. I pick her up and kiss her on the cheek...

1 hour later

Emily has woken up ! She appears to be hurt and she is ill ! Everytime she gets up she falls. What have I done! I hug her, and I kiss her in the cheek and take her to bed...

6:00am she wakes up , again ! She whispers " thanks for saving me. " What have I done to her, she's lying there confused she needs serious help. I get my brand new car and drive her to the hospital. I take her in the doctors using my vampire speed , my heart is beating fast. I wait outside for 2 hours!

Suddenly the doctor comes and tells me they don't know what's wrong with her but she needs a lot of help !

I take her back home and I ring someone called, Ellie Smith ! She is an expert and she can give Emily and me help with these demons and danger and all sorts ...

Ellie comes in the house shocked, what Emily looks like. My heart is beating as fast as a racing car can drive!

She says she needs to stay and make sure when the demons come next time she will get rid of them. If not Emily will die...

" Emily's life is in danger !? "I ask , then I ask her if she would like a drink and she wants tea. I give her some tea and some cake and she asks me what has happened.

I shake I stare... I I don't tell the truth! I don't have the guts to say what happened I ask for a moment I run upstairs! And I write in my diary what to do...

Dear diary,
I've had a very bad day today, god needs to help me I'm in love that much I would kill my self for my fiancé!
She needs seriouse help and I don't have the guts to tell the truth!
I have asked Ellie to help me and she has asked me what happend since me and Emily met. I don't want to tell the truth and I don't want to get arrested or loose Emily!
Yours sincerely Justin!

I close my diary I go back downstairs and I tell the truth.

1 hour later

Ellie tells me not to do this again and she won't tell the police! She will sort this out as soon as possible.. I shake her hand. Emily wakes up she walks to bed I take her to bed. I kiss her she kisses me back. My eyes start to turn purple! This means love. Deep love and sometimes this isn't a good sign for a vampire. We both start kissing for half an hour. We start kissing hard and this isn't good...

I get off the bed and kiss her goodnight. She falls to sleep. I go back downstairs to see what Ellie is doing. I put TV on an we both watch the movie Divergent . The door opens and then Ellie goes and shuts the door. The shadow appears, Ellie says these words! ' Assassin stop demons release ur not stronger than us! '

The demon turns to Ellie!...

The demon runs to Ellie and strangles her! She screams. I run to her and I get a knife and, stab it on my diary the demon starts to melt and just turn to light! Then it  suddenly disappears! I help Ellie up, she was shocked. She thanked me for saving her life. And she called me a hero and at first I thought I was a bad guy !

Emily comes downstairs she hugs me and she is back to normal. I say sorry then she starts kissing me. Someone knocks on the door. His name is Shawn he thank for saving Ellie's life and then... I ask Ellie and Shawn to live with me and Emily! They get become mine and Emily's best friends. Me and Emily get some popcorn and watch a movie while, Ellie and Shawn put some flowers in the garden. Emily is tired so I take her to bed...

We both woke up at six in the morning we pop outside and everything was gone! There was just a house. I said to myself ' is this a dream? ' All there is , is a ground no sun no clouds there isn't either a sky it just looks like paper.

My heart beats fast my eyes turn purple! My fangs start to grow... I say to myself please not again I don't want demons or ghost or anything else just a calm life!!  Everything disappears! I fall out the world, suddenly! I wake up scared with a red tear coming from my eye Emily asks " Babe ! Are you ok !?" " I'm fine I'm alright it was just a dream!! Thanks god... "

Emily asks what I want for breakfast. "I would like just toast with no butter , please " She says to me," how strange usually you have coffee and a bacon sandwich " she asks " are you ok ? " I moan " I'm okay you don't need to ask" I reply , she looks confused then she goes downstairs and makes my breakfast. Ellie comes up to me and asks me how was my sleep. " It was okay I had one bad dream where there was no world ! I'm fine now " I reply . She says " okay " with a anxious look.

Me and Emily go and walk to a restaurant and we have some nice posh food. It was a date and I'm sure I've saw these people who were in here before.... I'm sure. Me and Emily leave the restaurant and start walking home... My teeth started bleeding and I turn dizzy and I suddenly faint on the floor....

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