MMID:S1 EP05 "Diary reader."

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Executive producer: Daisy Cakes333


voice actresses: (still not decided but we casted some members)

Rosabella-{ Yours truly...}

Poppy O'Hair- Chatterpiggy333

Apple White- Anglyse

Raven Queen- Crystal

Cedar- Evie

There are more characters to be decided...

Apple- Cedar! Hey Cedar!! Can I ask you a quick quesh?

Cedar- Okay..go ahead...

Apple- Do you know any of Cerise's deepest darkest secrets??

Cedar- How dare you try to use me like that!! And of course I don't!!

Apple-oh...than you flippin' useless!

Cedar- Betch...

Apple- Your mother...

Cedar- Go to fwikin Hell!!

Apple- Whatever, I know howto get what I want. And I'm an angel. So, I'm goin' to heaven.

Apple- Briar.. Duchess...

Briar- Huh?

Duchess- What are we gonna do?

(Apple whispers into Briar's ear then Duchess.)

Briar- Dosen't Blondie usally go on spy duty??

Apple- Yes, but me & Blondie aren't aren't exactly the best of friends right now...until she see the royal way of things again, Then she'll be back on spy duty. But as of now, Blondie & the 3 B*tches is cancelled.


Brair- ( says sneakly) c'mon Duchess!!

Briar & Duchess check to see if the coast is clear than they quetly enter Cedar & Cerises Dorm)

Briar- Where is her Diary???

Duchess- ( gasps) Someone's coming!!! HIDE!!!

Cerise- Hello?? Is anyone there? Hmmm....strange... (closes door)

Duchess- That was close!!

Briar- I found her Diary!! Tell me when the coast is clear & then Lez bounce!!

SCENE3 -Back at apple's

Briar- We got it!

Apple- OMG! YAY! ( Hugs Brair)

Apple- Now to expose this B*tch!

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