MMID: S1EP06''Rosy vs. Apple" pt.1

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Executive producer- Yours truly.

Producer- Jamie

Script writer- Shaiyann (Cheyenne)

*WARNING* some prophanity

{Rosabella's text ringtone comes on}

Rosabella- OMGodmother!

Poppy- What?

Rosabella- Apple just got more followers than me on mychapter!  I don't understand Poppy! Just because of some stupid not to meanchine insulting meme she posted about REBELS!!! I mean, I understand Briar. Freaking B*tch's "suppose" to be my cousin & appearantly i'm suppose to like her. Wich makes no sense because, girl throws good parties once in a while...But shes F*cking high every F*cking day like.. Why do you think shes so sleepy all the time Poppy? All she is, is a follower. She acts likes she's Apple's #1 BFFA, but really in general Apple like... legit contolls her.


Rosabella- Any-ways, EW, WTF! How could Apple get more followers than me? Don't you see her rediculous duck-lips she posts? OMGrimm!! She's allways posting corny-royal this on her, Folllow your destiny...& Apple White Queen foreves!!ummm....noone really  is f*cking following there destiny anymore. Is'nt that what the whole rebel/royal contreversy  was about? Like, F*ck you too b*tch.... & she thinks shes so adorable. she is not adorable. Ya wanna see adorable?? I got it right here.

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