C h a p t e r 15

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Alex POV

I've been sitting on this couch, smoking and thinking ever since Sam left the room which was about an hour ago. Thinking about how this is gonna go down. How am I suppose to tell Sam I'm an assassinator and that need-want to kill her lying cheating father. I'm surprise the son of a bitch doesn't recognize me.

I was about to put the cigarette in my mouth but stopped when I heard the door beep. I got up, threw the cigarette over the balcony, and took a deep breath. It's time.

I pulled my hair back as walk to her.

Damn, so sweet and innocent.

"Hey baby". I said trying to open up the conversation to her.

"Heeey" she said nervously.

You should be.

"I need to-" I started

"Before we talk, I need to go change. I'm soaked"

"Oh yeah sure no problem, take your time. I'll be over here" I rambled. Jesus I'm a mess.

"Okaaay I'm gonna go" she said slowly making her way back to our room.

The longer she took the more nervous I became. I can't help it. I'm falling hard for her and the fact that I want her father buried is eating me alive.


What if I tell her and she blows my cover?


Or worse; she leaves me.

"Alex?!" she yells smacking me in the head.

"Oh sorry, what?"

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" she asked checking my temperature with the back of her hand.

I pulled her down and straddled me. She stiffened for a second then relax into me.

"N-no. Not sick but I do need to talk to you" I said pulling some hair behind her hair.

"Finally. I've been waiting for you to talk to me since forever. What's bothering you?" She asked.

I took a breath. Here goes everything.

"Okay, so you know that I moved in a few months ago and said I did construction right?" I asked her. But I couldn't meet her eyes so I busied them by looking between her legs.

"Yeah?" Her breath became rapid.

"Umm, well I haven't been completely honest with you." I said.

She forced my face to look at her. Her green eyes were wide and unfocused. She was panicking.

She knows you're a fucking liar you asshole!

"What? Are you cheated on me with that Sluty Sarah?!" She said beginning to slide off me.

"What? No. I'd never" I said grabbing her ass and pulled her forward.

"Then what?" She asked dipping her eyebrows.

"I shouldn't be telling anyone this but, I-I work for the government." I said.

"You're a cop?"she gasped.

I wish.


"A Fed?" She said.

I sighed because those jobs would have definitely made my life easier and I wouldn't have to lie. She doesn't deserve a liar like me but I'm too fucking selfish; I won't let her go.

"I'm a professional assassinator." I said more confident.

I looked up at her and she just looked down at me.

"C'om Al, we're being serious here" she giggled.

"I am being serious" I frowned.


"I'm not kidding Sammy. I'm here to kill your father."

There, I said it!

I waited for her to say something; anything for 60 seconds. Yeah, I counted.

"Sammy, you're not saying anything. Talk to me" I said gripping her thighs.

"Why?" She whispered

"Why what?" I said.

"Why do you want to kill him? Why did you lie to me? Why are you even with me?!" She screamed sliding off me.

This. This is what I was afraid of.

I quickly shot of the couch and made my to her.


"What? Sorry?" She said

"Just here me out. Please?" I said pleaded with her. But she pushed me and ran to the bedroom. She almost closed the door but I was quick and shoved my feet between the door.

"Baby, I didn't want to lie to you ok? This was really hard for me to do. Having to waking up every morning and continue to lie to you like that eats me alive!"

"Then why lie?" She snapped crossing her arms.

"Because I didn't want you to leave me!" I shouted.

"I wouldn't!" She yelled back.

"If you knew what I did, you would've never associated with me!"

We stood there; breathing hard like we just ran a marathon.

"I didn't want to lie to you Sammy, I swear." I said pulling her to the bed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I forgive you but you still have to tell me why you want my father dead".

My shoulders fell and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest.

Thank you God.

"I will but for right now let's just enjoy our stay here and play" I said nibbling on her earlobe.

She shivered at my touch. "Play? What do you mean play?" She asked.

When I moved down to her neck she moaned. That was definitely the sound I was hoping for.

"You know exactly what I mean" I hissed in her ear while grabbing her right tit.

She gasped and arched her back for me.

"You wanna play?" I asked now tugging on her nipples which turned instantly hard.

When she didn't answer I added pressure on her nipple and she yelped.

"Yeah, I wanna play!" She moaned.

"Okay. We'll play" I said.

Let the games begin.


Sooo what do you guys think??? Let me know! ⓟⓔⓐⓒⓔ

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