Chapter 1

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We've lived here for almost five years now, me and Molten Ice.

Well, not including the abandon log cabin we used to live in.

That was until it burnt down because of a certain dragon having a temper tantrum. Things also happened to a small grass hut AND a small cave. They were were burnt or melted...

Now we live in a cave under a waterfall. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Well, it isn't. It's not fun to get drenched every time you go out your front door, believe me.

It's not easy raising a pet dragon, especially when the only thing you know about them are bad things, but I do my best. Now it's just us, Vera, and Ice.


"Come back you ruffian." I yelled after Ice, who had just stolen my favorite wooden bowl.

"Come and get it." He taunted, when I frowned at him, he came back muttering, " Quit being such a stick in the mud."

"I heard that!" I scolded, waving my wooden spoon in the air.

He just stuck out his tongue at me. My hand flashed out and grabbed onto it before he could react.

"Naughty dragon." I giggled and jumped in his back for a ride.

---------The dragon council-----

----------Scrooby's lair------

"He escaped." Wispered the shortest dragon in the council, Fiery Ash

"What did you say?" Shouted Scrooby making the cave shake.

Ash looked at the other council members pleadingly, no response.

"Um, well, I checked-d-d under-r-r-r the, the rug-g-g and and he he was-s gone-e-e." stuttered Ash.

Scrooby roared a terrible roar, the shook the cave once more, and blew flames at Ash. Ash's black scales started on fire for a moment, but died down almost immediately being built to withstand flames.

"I want every dragon searching for

him, except for you, Ash. You get to do something special... Go find me The Mask and bring her here, do you understand?" Ash's black scales turned white, and he gulped," The-the Mask-sk-sk-sk? Why me?"

Scrooby looked at him with cold eyes, "Because you failed to watch our little friend... How long has it been gone for?"

" um, I don't know... I guess I kinda forgot about it after my brother died. About five years ago..." He flew out of the cave, flames chasing," I'm going, I'm going." He yelled, sweat beading on his scaly face, rare for a dragon born near a volcano, but it was not the heat. It was from fear!


The wind felt so good on my face,

There's nothing better for a dragon than flying and today I was feeling excited, Vera said we could go to the village!

I had always wanted to go there and see what other humans look like, but Ver wouldn't let me... She said I wasn't strong or fast enough to risk a glimpse and that we would be shot down by arrows.

Now I'm bigger and stronger then even Scrooby, the evil dragon that kept me hidden, using threats to scare me into hiding when I was only a hatchling... Then Vera came and rescued me, end of story.

I looked up at her, she looked kinda worried, probably worried I'd get shot down by an arrow, huh, no way, I'm to fast for that.


I can't believe I allowed it. I shouldn't have agreed to it, letting him see the village. I actually want to see what was going on myself.

It had been five years since I visited there. Yet it looks like it hasn't changed.

I wonder what Drake would look like, toasted... I was still pretty mad at him in particular.

We circled down, landing on the ground. I heard someone and motioned for Ice to hide to in the dense woods. Ha, yeah right. I stepped forward with my hands in the air.

"I come in peace." I shouted to the man who thought he was sooo cleverly hidden behind a tree.

He came out and stared at me in disbelief. I recognized him from the dragon hunt and he probably recognized me, after all, I haven't really changed except for burn scars on my arms and hands and hair down to my knees, brushed, braided, and filled with wildflowers.

He ran off shouting and I winked at Ice who was hiding in the treetops, the best a dragon can.

Sure enough a whole group of people came staring at me, Drake stepped out from amongst the and everyone hushed.

"So you survived, didn't you?" He asked adjusting his chieftain armor.

"Yep," I grinned, noticing they had no weapons," and brought you a little gift."

Drake smiled, but it soon turned into a shocked face when Ice came of the bushes.

"You like?" I asked.

He turned and ran as fast as he could, but Ice swooped down and picked him up.

"As punishment for being rude to me, I sentence you to hang from Drakko's point. I pointed to a huge rock, more than 1000 feet of the ground, with a big pointed tip. I tied him up, then Ice flew us up there and we secured him to the point, knowing his men would struggle to get him down. Then we proceeded to go down in the village so I could him a tour and we could loot it.

We started to leave, filled with jewels, food, and other luxury items. I waved at Drake who was struggling to get down, his men trying not to laugh.


Sorry, this book is coming to an end... I just can't seem to find inspiration. If you like reading about adventure and/or fantasy, please read HorseGirl1'a book The Outcast...

Thanks for taking the time to read, and please vote for my story, thanks!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2013 ⏰

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