Eat soap

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Her eyes drifted to her boyfriend of 3 years, who was sitting comfortably on the couch in the living room. Some sort of comedy show playing on it, but she wasn't really paying attention to that. Something else had been on her mind for a while now.


She felt as if she were ready, but wasn't sure about what he felt. He had never dropped any hints to being interested in doing such activities with her. She figured she would ask him, just to get it out of the way, if he didn't want to do it, then she wouldn't force him into it.

"Hey... Sans, um." His head turned to look at her, his grin that he wore all the time was still on his face.


"E-Ehm... I'll... I'll just say it..." She took a deep breath. "Wouldyoumaybewanttohavesexwithme?" The words left her mouth at the speed of light. He blinked his eyes after a second of trying to process what she just said, before his face erupted in a bright blue color.

"o-oh... i mean, yeah... that sounds pretty great." Her eyes lit up. Both of them were blushing quite hard at this point.

"So um... Should we maybe... Go to the bedroom?"

"oh you meant like right now...?"

"Well kind of... But if you don-"

"no, lets go."


And that's how it started.


Her cheeks carried a light shade of pink as she bathed in the pleasure that was coursing through her body. Her eyes clenched closed, her head laying limp to one side. Deep and quick breaths escaped her lips, and the occasional moan joined them. Her legs twitched with the need to close, due to the unfamiliar, and overwhelming feeling that was coming from her nether-regions.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, coming from in-between her legs.

"alright, i-i think you're ready now..." He retracted his fingers, which were previously pressing into her and stretching her out to prepare her for something larger. She moved her head to look at him, her eyes now opened slightly. He moved his body so that he was hovering over her, his hands holding her thighs to keep himself steady. "are... are you sure you're ready? i don't really want to hurt you, y'know?" His voice carrying a slightly worried tone, as this was going to be his first time, and also hers.

"I'll be fine, Sans." Her answer came quietly. She laced her arms around his neck to bring him down for a quick, but loving, kiss, or as close to a kiss as they could get. She released him from the kiss, but still held onto him. His cheekbones holding a blue color to go well with the pink blush she was sporting. "Just... please be a bit gentle." He nodded his head, before looking down at his condom-covered erection, that had been freed from the clothing jail he had been wearing before.

One of his hands drifted down to grip his glowing cock. He slightly stiffened from the touch as a spring of pleasure went through him from the single touch. He slowly guided it towards her damp entrance. Looking at her face for confirmation to enter her, what he received was a small nod, and the wanting that was in her loving and lust-filled eyes. He nodded, before pushing himself into her carefully, letting out a breath that he didn't realize he had been holding. The breath leaving as a pleasured moan. A whine came from her, filled with both bliss and a bit of pain from the intrusion.

His hand was brought back up to her thigh, and he waited a bit for her to get used to him. After a bit, he gave a gentle thrust to test the waters, her reaction being positive when she let out a sound of satisfaction. He started moving his hips, keeping a steady pace, not going too fast, and not going too slow. Her breathing was fast, and she tightened her hold around his neck, forcing him to let go of her thighs, and bring his hands to rest on top of the pillows her head was situated on. His forearms landed beside her head.


Some time had passed, not enough for the sex to last an unrealistic amount of time, but some time passed. He continued to move steadily, moving slightly faster when he felt her legs wrap around him, pulling him in slightly with each thrust. Her back arched so that her stomach brushed against his bottom ribs slightly. Her lips parted slightly, and her head tilted back. Small beads of sweat covered her body in various places. The feelings that were going through her were absolutely luxurious. She was glad that she had found someone who loved her so much, to share her feelings with in the most intimate of ways.

His eyes were half-lidded, as he watched her form. The way the moonlight from the slightly opened window reflected off of her beautiful skin and her hair. How her moans sounded like the most amazing melody to cross the planet. Everything about her was perfect. No matter what form she had, whether or not she had stretch marks or not, she would always be perfect. He brought his head down to hers, and brought her into a kiss that lasted longer than the one they shared before this started. His eyes closed fully when he felt her kiss back.

His pace quickened, and she clenched down around him as the pleasure she was feeling heightened significantly. She knew that neither of them would last longer, and he knew the same. They moved away from each other, and simply stared at one another as he continued to drive into her.

"c-crap... (Y/N)..." His voice laced with desire. She nodded, tilting her head back again as she felt herself nearing the edge. Her eyes suddenly opened wide when a certain spot inside of her was hit, causing her mouth to open wide and a loud cry of euphoria to leave her. Her back somehow arched more.

"S-Sans!" His name swept off of her tongue as her orgasm hit her.

He wasn't far away. With a few more thrusts, his vision was filled with white.

"h-hngh." He grunted as his high was ended. His movements slowed down until he was simply burrowed into her all the way. The only sound being the panting of the two of them. Her arms and legs still wrapped tightly around his form, as best as they could be due to the fact that he was a skeleton.

With some displeasure, he pulled himself out of her warmth. Making a pop sound resonate throughout the moonlit room. The condom was bloated with semen, making him cringe slightly, before he pulled it off and disposed of it in a garbage that was put right next to the bed. [Did you know, it's harder to cum with a condom on?] His arms wrapped around her, and lifted her up so that he could get the covers back. Once they were, he laid her back down and got under them next to her, before bringing them back up. He brought her into an embrace. She soon returned it, still being dazed from the experience.

"hey, (Y/N). i love you." He whispered to her.

"Y-yeah... I love you too, Sans. But can we just sleep right now?" She pecked his cheek before putting her head back down to the oh-so welcoming pillow. A deep chuckle came from him.

"sure, sleeping sounds pretty great right now." His head followed hers in dropping to the pillow. Both their eyes drifted closed. It wasn't long until they fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms.

~~~ Bonus because many people wanted this

"So Sans."


"I just saw your..."

"(Y/N) please don't."


"(Y/N), as much as i love puns. i am exhausted right now."

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