Juicy EXTRA HARD Lemon

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Papyrus laughed eagerly and loudly as he and his brother Sans walked back to their stations.
"-And did you see how badly that human failed on my last puzzle?!It goes to show that I will be a great Royal Guard!NYEH HEH HEH!"Papyrus said, praising himself.Sans, who usually doesn't leave his post (out of laziness) had to laugh also."Is it really so hard to turn Xs into Os?" Sans chuckled.

As the Skelo-Bros neared Papyrus station, they noticed two little little legs squirming out as if they were stuck.Sans glanced over at the legs as if it was as usual as a hyper Lesser Dog, while Papyrus looked dumbstruck."ANOTHER HUMAN?!"Papyrus yelled, more trying to get attention then being surprised.The small person automatically fell to the ground, fearfully clutching a flip-phone that had been given to her from her monster 'guardian'.
Papyrus looked down upon the young girl as Sans merely stood back, completely cool.The girl, frozen with fear, looked meekly at the skeletons in front of her."Well that's not very polite." Sans stated,"Why don't you come here and shake my hand like you do with friends."The girl snapped out of her trance and walked straight past Papyrus, and grabbed Sans' hand firmly.Papyrus (now annoyed from being unnoticed), strutted towards the young girl."STATE YOUR NAME HUMAN, BEFORE I MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR RUDENESS TOWARD A ROYAL GUARD!!"Papyrus yelled, ignoring Sans protests that he was, in fact, not a Royal Guard."(Y-n)!M-my name is (y-n)..."The girl said, her eyes wide as Cinnamon Buns.

Papyrus smirked."Well, (Y-n), consider yourself BONED!" He yelled, trying to imitate his brother's humor."This is trying to hard tibia a good pun."Sans said, making him and (Y-n) giggle.
Papyrus could feel anger boiling inside him."Well, whatever!I have the perfect puzzle for YOU human!"

*******************TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY TORIEL'S PIES*******************

(Y-n) found herself stand on thin ice..Literally.Papyrus had put (Y-n) on a lake of thin ice, waiting to watch her slip and fall into the pit of Froggit, Whimsun, and Migosp.Sans stayed off to the side, nodding at (Y-n) whenever she looked at him."Well, BEGIN!" Papyrus screeched.As soon as (Y-n) took a step, she heard the ground make a large shatter noise, and next thing she knew the earth fell beneath her.

Papyrus laughed and looked over the hedge on which he and Sans had been standing on only to be surprised.(Y-n) seemed to be have a great conversation with all the monsters, in which she shook her hips or complimented.She looked up with a big smile on her face."Care to join?The monsters are nice~"She giggled.Papyrus glared."Don't think this is over human!!I WILL WIN!!"
And off in a huff, was Papyrus.Sans smiled and helped (Y-n) out of the pit."That was hilarious.
But I guess that you need a place to stay..How about the inn in Snowdin?It's nice and cozy."
(Y-n) watched him slowly shift away."Well..I have to cheer up Papyrus."(Y-n) watched as Sans walked away, smiling every time he looked back.

Ha ha, you thought this was gonna be a lemon. Thirsty ass. Get dunked on.

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