A Normal Day?

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The killjoys were sleeping not so peacefully on the diner floor until hearing a knock on the door.
The killjoys jump up grabbed their ray guns and headed towards the door.
Party Poison gestured towards Fun Ghoul to open the door on the count of three, 1..2..3! Fun Ghoul opens the door but, to only find a young girl there.
The killjoys look at each other in confusment until willingly letting the kid in.
"c-can you help me' i-I've been shot" noticing that the kid has been shot in the leg.
Kobra Kid speaks up and says "let's take her to the doctor" the kid cuts in " them, i'm non-binary, can we go now"
they all get into the car and drive to the doctors while trying to help the kid as much as they can.
They pull up to the doctors and Jet Star hops out and walks up to the door he knocks four times,three times, then four again, the door open Jet Star and Kobra Kid walk in first while Fun Ghoul and Party Poison help the kid in.
"who's this" says show pony,the kid chimes in "you can call me Missile Kid, there's no time for proper greeting as you can see I've been shot so if you can help that would be great" show pony looks at the kid with shock then takes the kid into the back room.
"The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary, it's time to do it now and do it loud, KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE" the doctor backs away from the microphone as he notices the kid and the others in the room
"well i see someone needs my help, hop on the bed over there and let me examine it" Party Poison and Fun ghoul help over to the bed.
while missile kid is having their leg looked at the killjoys find some time to catch up with Show Pony.
Missile Kid comes out with the help from the doctor , with some pain killers and antibiotics.
They take Missile kid back to the diner, by now it's around eleven p.m. so they head to bed.

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