Chapter 1 : Pills

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Justin's POV

I stare down at the bottle of pills in my hand, tempting me, urging me to make a decision. I get so frustrated, I start to shake violently and burst into tears, collapsing on my bed. Why did things have to be this way? When were things ever okay? I snort some cocaine and wait for the numbness to take over my body. I feel like I always end up here; using drugs or something to not feel. I still feel all of my emotions gripping onto me. Maybe I've used cocaine so much that it doesn't work anymore? I'm angry and sad and confused. I grab the pill bottle and hurriedly open it, wanting my life to end faster. I pop as many pills as I can into my mouth and swallow. I instantly get a pounding headache and lie down, letting the darkness wash over me.


HEYYY I'm back with another story! This one is a little sad but it gets really good.... I swear!! Sorry for the short ass chapter... I'll probably write another one after I publish this one!

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