Chapter 2 : Mental Hospital

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Justin's POV

I wake up to a bright light... I must be in heaven. My eyes adjust and I hear a rhythmic beeping. I try to sit up but my body hurts too much and I moan in pain and lay back down in defeat. I lift up my head, not causing as much pain, and look around. It looks like I'm in a hospital room. Fuck. I survived.
Seconds later a nurse walks in with a clipboard and greets me.

"Great, you're awake!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, just fucking great." I whisper to myself.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, concern filling her eyes.

Right on cue my head starts to throb like hell.

"I have a really bad headache," I state

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't give you any medication to help you with that but I can get you a drink if you'd like?" she asks

"Where am I?" I ask, only now realizing that I didn't even know where I was.

"You're at West Oak Mental Hospital for Teenagers." she states simply, like it was obvious

"You'll be staying here over the summer to find help and get better." she adds with a sweet smile.

Once I hear what she said a rush of anxiety fills my chest causing my breathing to pick up its pace and instantly the edges of my vision get blurry and swayed, causing my headache to get worse. I get out of the hospital bed and trip a little on my way to the door, but I run as fast as I can letting the wind flow through my hospital gown, causing me to get goosebumps. I hear the nurse yell after me, but I keep running. I reach the entrance doors and step outside, but before I can go any further two security guards grab my arms and stab a needle into the side of my neck, injecting something into my veins causing my vision to get blurry until everything goes black.


I wake up laying in the same hospital bed but when I try to move my arms and legs to
sit up I realize that my whole body's strapped down to the bed. Great. Now I can't move.
The same nurse walked into my room with a stern but friendly look on her face.

"Okay Justin. You're going to be here for awhile so you might as well cooperate. Tomorrow you will start going to a support group, and you will go to this group every day, no matter how much you hate it. Understood?"

"Over my dead body." I whisper.

"Okay great!" she says, ignoring my comment. "I'll check up on you tomorrow and show you where the group meets," she says, walking out of the room.

Once she leaves the room I feel hot tears stream down my face, causing my vision to get blurry. I try to lift up my arm to wipe the tears but then remember that I'm strapped down to the bed. I let out loud sobs and cry until I fall asleep, letting my sadness crash over me like waves in the ocean.

The next day

I wake up, my dry tears tattooed onto my face. I realize that my arms and legs are finally unstrapped from the bed. I also notice a fresh pair of clothing with a note attached. It's reads,
"I will see you at 2, be ready. -Nurse Gabby"
So that's her name.
I stretch out of the bed, my back and legs aching from being in one position for too long. I walk to the bathroom on the other side of the room and look at myself in the mirror. A small gasp escapes my lips. I look so different. I have dark, deep rings under my eyes from the lack of sleep I've been getting and my hair is tussled and very dirty. I decide to take a shower. I undress and look at my naked body in the mirror. I can see my ribs bulge out of my stomach. I realize that I haven't eaten since the night of my suicide attempt. My stomach releases a low growl which causes me to wince from the hunger. I hop in the shower and let the water drench my body with its wetness. I clean my hair and body and exit the shower. I dry off and put on the closes provided for me by Nurse Gabby. I slip on some clean underwear and some grey sweats and a white tee shirt and lace up the black vans that came with the clothing. The tee shirt's a bit big but I'll manage. I sit on the couch in my hospital room and play with my fingers nervously. It's 2:00, she should be here any minute... A couple minutes later Nurse Gabby walks in.

"Good you're dressed," She says with a warm smile.

I try to return the smile but it's too hard, so I return to my usual frown in defeat. She leads me in silence to where the group's supposed to meet, obviously sensing that I don't want to talk right now. She stops in front of a large metal door that reads "Group Meetings, Room 104"

"Here we are! Have fun!" she says, walking away

I stare at the door for awhile, preparing myself for whatever's on the other side. I suck in a deep breath and grab the cold handle of the door, slowly turning it, anxiety filling my stomach. I slowly push open the door and walk in.


HEYYY I hope you (the 4 readers that are reading this) liked this chapter! I tried to make it as long as possible since my other chapter is pretty short! This one is also pretty short but it's longer so yay!!!!

Spring Break just started so I'm hoping to update a lot more since I'm not going anywhere....

PS: sorry if there's any grammar errors 😁😁😁 Checked over it a couple times but there may still be some errors

But yeah gtg, ttyl 👋🏼

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