Time To Step Up - Chapter Four

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Time To Step Up


Chapter Four


Later that afternoon, Amelia has accepted to stay at my apartment for a while to meet my brotehr properly. It's nice to have company anyway. Robert's gone out for a Chinese Takeaway, knowing him he would buy loads, he is a fat git.

Amelia admires my collection of trainers: High tops, high kicks, converses and all different kinds.

"I got good wages from college and my old job, I like to treat myself with trainers." I told her.

"Cool, we call them sneakers over here." Amelia commented, "So, Robert's your only brother?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "You have siblings?"

She shook her head, "Only child here. Wish I had though."

We chatted away about families and our future family and our dream wedding and our own Mr Right. Me and Amelia really understand each other. Amelia is my new official sister-from-another-mister.

"So, what's with Danny." I asked, after I just wasted two minutes remembering his name.

I pursed my lips, curiously, waiting for her answer.

"He's got a big attitude- drives the teachers mad. Two of his brothers were similar but they say he's the worst. Which he is. Almost got expelled for disrespecting a staff member. Mind you no one liked Mr Thomas, turned out he liked some of us too much- if you know what I mean. Got fired at the end of term."

"Urgh, minging!"

"Yeah, anyway, seven sons in the family. Three still at home, they live near the beach."


"The Balthosars, yeah. Umm, Cole, Dwayne, Francis, Austin, Calvin, Wyatt and Danny."

"Big family."

"Odd family, but the boys are the kings of the waves. Their dad manages the surfs and boats hit, practically the whole place and their mom teaches safety and also helps give lessons."

She explained how almost everyone knows them and how most of the girls actually want them. Danny is the only one that gave her hell. The bastard.

"I'm back- oh hello... Amelia, right?" Robert came in, dumping the food cartons on the kitchen table.

"Yeah, Amelia, Robert. Robert, Amelia." I helped them out in case they've forgotten each other, since they've only met once.

"Oh, nice to see you again, Sir." Amelia said.

"Call me Robert, 'Sir' makes me feel old. I'm only twenty-three."

Amelia flushing pink slightly, then we all tucked in our egg fried rice, noodles, stir fry and curry sauce.

Amelia, bravely, asked me and Robert questions about England. We told her the true facts, everything we know.

"You and Olivia do look alike." She pointed out.

"We get that a lot." Robert commented, eating a piece of chicken, after stabbing it with the chopsticks. We've no idea how to use them.

After dinner, and a conversation, me and Amelia went into my bedroom to chill for a bit, and to rest our stuffed stomachs, while Robert was making plans for gym class.

"Your brother's awesome." Amelia said, after falling on my bean bag at the end of my bed, "Wish I had a big brother."

"Once you start to know him more, he'll become you brother; plus you have four more coming, so don't you worry. Anyway, I want to meet your Grandparents." I pinned up a photo which fell of my wall next to drawers.

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