Time To Step Up - Chapter Seventeen

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Time To Step Up


Chapter Seventeen


"Yo, seriously, do you have to cover up my eyes?" I asked my brother, who's hands were covering my eyes, almost my whole face since his hands are big enough.

He 'shh'ed me to be quiet, and I glared behind Robert's gigantic hands.

He finally uncovered my face and my eyes adjusted then I had a clear view. Standing in front of me was a boy with blond hair, a goofy smile and a DC cap.

"Can I have this next dance?" he asked.

"Holy shit, Bradley!" I screamed, attacking him, hugging him, practically not touching the ground.

He laughed, "Somebody's missed me."

"Hell yeah, you're my brother-from-another-mother!"

Julia then attacked him next causing us to fall. Then Fatboy and Drake joined in the pile on. All of us laughing like total maniacs, as my brother took no notice and ordered us all pizza.


Bradley told us that Christian is coming over next week, as his Grandma passed away last week of a heart attack. I felt bad and slightly upset. His Grandma, Joanna, was an amazing person. Every time I visit her with Christian, she always offers us tea or coffee with cakes and sweets. She was always a sweet old woman. I'm going to miss her. So, we made a Facebook page for her; 'R-I-P Joanna Lillian Richards - 1940-2011'.

You probably think now Amelia isn't getting bullied anymore. Although, she isn't wearing braces and is now dancing with me and my crew, she is still a 'freak' to the cheerleaders. Mrs Eddstone, being a bitch,  told the other cheerleaders that Amelia declined her offer because she thinks she is better off with the 'street people'. Now, the cheerleaders are talking about us behind our back.

"The cheerleaders are slags, anyway. They can't dance to save their life." Bradley said.

"Can't dance?" A cheerleader over-heard us and strutted over. holding her tray of salad, water and non-fat yoghurt, "Did you just say we can't dance?"

"That's not dancin', that's just flappin' about." Julia said.

"Well, at least we have a sense of fashion." The cheerleader, a.k.a Barbie Girl, moved her head cockily, showing off.

"Whateva ya say pom-pom tits." Julia looked away as we continued our conversation, telling Amelia about the UK National Championships.

The cheerleader slammed her tray down in front of Julia, trying to get in her face. The canteen went quiet and looked at our way, "Pom-pom what?"

Julia stood up. Julia was taller than the cheerleader, as was I, as I stood up as well behind her. The cheerleader regretted to even get in her face.

"You heard." I said.

The cheerleader jumped a little, but nothing stopped the cocky bitch from splashing Julia's orange juice in her face. Julia gasped and glared at the blonde slag.

Being fair but more evil, I grabbed the non-fat yoghurt the bitch had and pured it all over her bleached blonde hair. She screamed.

"Food fight!" Bradley yelled, and my crew started the food fight, mostly aiming at the cheerleaders, who were trying to duck and cover.


Soaking, sticky and dripping head to toe with food and drink, we tried to hold our giggles and laughter, as my uncle, the principal, was giving us a lecture. Amelia wasn't in, being true friends we said she didn't do anything. She was grateful for us to get her out of another detention.

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