Hurt and Comfort

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A whistling by my ear made my body jerk as a bullet flew by my head, narrowly missing me and making me let out a choked scream as I scrambled around the corner of the street. I ran as fast as I could, the pizza I was holding long forgotten and dropped up the street as I full out sprinted away from the store, trying to ignore the burning pain in my sides.

I heard the shrill police sirens before I saw the cars and silently thanked God that the blue and white vehicles that were now hurtling down the road were on their way to the store. I just hoped they’d get there before anyone got hurt by that maniac.

The maniac that looked like my father…

Everything was hurting, my heart was racing, my mind was reeling and my eyes were stinging from forming tears; I’d never been gladder to see the Black Veil Brides tour bus in my life.

Throwing the door open, I pulled myself inside, shutting it hard behind me and looking around, only to be met with Ashley’s cold glare.

“Do you wanna not slam our bus door? And where’s our stuff? We sent you out with a list and you come back with nothing?” I ignored Ashley’s sharp tone and fell back against the door, sliding to the ground and letting the tears that had been blurring my vision fall; I couldn’t be bothered to even try to hold it together anymore.

“Lukass?!” CC exclaimed, cutting over the top of Ashley’s grumbling – which subsided when he saw the state I was in.

Andy and CC were the first over, their hands gently clasping at my arms and hands as they crouched beside me.

“Lukass? Lukass what’s wrong?” CC asked, concern in his voice as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to his chest, while Andy gently rubbed my back. Through blurry eyes, I saw Ashley still standing nearby, no longer scowling but hardly looking like he cared. Alerted to the commotion by CC and Andy’s frantic questioning about my well being, Jinxx and Jake soon joined us, the two of them also crouching on the floor by me. In my borderline distraught state, all I could do was clutch at the back of CC’s shirt as he held me tightly.

“Come on, over here” CC cooed gently as he and the others – bar Ashley - helped me to my feet and led me over to one of the couches, where CC sat down before settling me in his lap. Andy sat on one side of CC while Jake sat on the other with Jinxx behind him. Strolling in casually, Ashley sat himself down on the other couch and stretched out on it, watching us disinterestedly.

“What’s wrong, Lukass? Why are you crying?” Jake asked, placing a hand on my arm.

“I-I- I was at a little store getting your stuff, and I was, like, practically climbing into this... fucking massive freezer to get pizza and-and when I looked up everyone was all-all silent and then I saw this guy with-with a g-g-un by the register and he wanted the money an-and I panicked and headed for-for the exit but he turned around and s-started yelling at me-e and I-I didn’t k-know and, and-” I started to choke on my words and stumble over my sentences before giving up completely as the guys gasped and started trying to comfort me. Even Ashley lifted an eyebrow – he obviously hadn’t expected me to say that.

When I felt like I could continue, I started to talk again, gaining the full attention of Jake, Andy, CC and Jinxx and apparently half of Ashley’s.

“I said something stupid and I started to run because he turned the gun to me and as I d-did he shot it and it only just missed me a-and and the worst thing is, I don’t think it was a stranger either…” I practically whispered, the words making my stomach twist unpleasantly as that feeling of having a sinking pit inside of me returned. “He looked just like my dad – the man who was yelling at me the first night I met you guys… I don’t know for certain if it’s him, but I do know for certain that I need to know certain… if that makes any sense” the tiniest of smiles played on my lips as I said the last bit, though I know it didn’t reach my eyes.

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